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This Year #41: The best of Loveline, 2001 (8 hour compilation)

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Hey friends—we here at This Year, where we produce best-ofs for podcasts like the Giant Bombcast, Idle Thumbs, and other fine programs, think you might enjoy this best-of for Loveline, in which we have selected the best calls from July, August, and September 2001. Loveline is a sexual health and relationship advice show that's been on air since 1983. It's always been hosted by Dr. Drew, but from 1995 to 2005 it was co-hosted by the fine comedian Adam Carolla, and that was when the show was at its zenith.

Not all the calls were from heartbroken teens and dudes with horrible STDs. There are all types of issues in this eight hour thing. Most of them are in the psychological realm: people that were abused as children, alcoholics or other addicts that are struggling to get by, and that sort of thing. It's super interesting, Adam is super funny (no surprises there), and if you're interested in psychology at all, or want to hear from people with crazy stories—there are plenty of funny ones here to go with the horrific ones—then you'll like it. That's actually what appeals to me most about the show: trying to figure out the psychology behind a person that's super into body modification or BDSM and things like that.

Here's a direct download to the MP3 (the best-of is 8 hours long, just under 200MB). You can hit up our rush on Twitter, or on Facebook, or on iTunes, or via RSS. If you subscribe to us through iTunes, we'd really appreciate a rating and a review! Thanks for listening. And if you like what we do, then there's a ton of other podcasts we cover. You can find all those through our blog. We are listener funded (for our hosting costs), and we appreciate any help you can give us with that too. Thanks for supporting us! Incidentally, one of our next best-ofs is for the old podcast Good Grief that starred Tina Sanchez, Sam Kennedy, Scott Sharkey, and Chris Plante. That will be out in a few weeks, so be on the lookout.