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I should do this, I have a bunch of cabinets and drawers to make this month, I'll have all my tools out anyway and this will be more fun than retrofitting a 100+ year old kitchen.

I might try and make something that can hold a block of suet and see if I can attract some different birds than my seed feeders bring in.

Do it! I'd love to see your results.

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@turboman said:

Let me play it for 10 minutes and I'll have an answer for you.

I played Assassins Creed in the beta and thought it was pretty awesome, I pre-ordered it but have plenty of time to cancel. I mainly game on PC, so I'd probably keep that up-to-date for multiplayer stuff so not sure if it's worth maintaining another $10 google subscription as I already pay for Google Drive and Youtube Red.

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As I mentioned in the other thread, I'd planned on building a bat house. Preliminary research indicated that the house should be mounted at least 15' above the ground, preferably facing south or east in a place that gets 8+ hours of sun...but NOT on a tree. There's a nice blank wall above my garage doors that would work, but unfortunately, my wife put the kibosh on mounting the bat house on our home.

I'm going to be pretty busy this month anyway, so maybe it's for the best that I sit this one out. I'll keep an eye out for other peoples' completed projects and maybe break out the tools again in July.

Bummer, but understandable!

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After 20 minutes in Sketchup, I've come up with a first draft. I have a feeling these angles are going to be the death of me.

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So I've been doing a little bit of reading up on attracting certain bird types to your house - I currently have a family of robins that use a small space my gutters create next to my brick house for a nesting platform. I'd like to build a proper nesting platform for them or my state bird a Cardinal (who also perform a nesting platform. I'd like to mount it to my garage so i can watch them from my house. To appease my wife, I'd like to make it in a similar vein as a mid-century modern house in the picture below. Because I'm making a nesting platform I'm going to really need to nail the angle of the roof so it reads as mid-century modern. I'm going to be doing some research into our local Frank Loyd Wright houses and see if there is anything that strikes my fancy.

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@yothatlimp: Looks great! Don't forget to post pictures once you apply the finish - I bet that color in the top board will look really nice!

Hoping it will be dry enough tomorrow, I'm getting sick of all this rain here hah.

Congrats on your stool making it on this weeks community corner post!

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It's like a book club, but for wood working!

This month's project is the humble Bird House (or Bat House).

Lets use this thread for questions, suggestions, progress pics, etc.

We have until June 30th to post our final projects, get to work!

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#8  Edited By YoThatLimp

So I am probably just going to end up using some spray shellac to finish this, but it's been too rainy and humid in my garage for any finish work. I picked this poplar because I loved the stripe of green in the board. The stretcher is some scrap walnut I had hanging around. As you can see from the top photo the top of the stool isn't attached to the legs just yet, I'm going to spray both separately before attaching them with some hardwood dowels. The finished stool is going to be 20" wide and 11 inches tall, I'll post some finished pics when I'm done spraying it!

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I think a bird house could be a good project, just so that I can bend the rules and build a bat box.

Every summer the mosquitoes come out and I start telling myself that I'll build a bat box. The idea, of course is that I'll hopefully have a good place for it so that bats will hopefully move in and then hopefully have a drastic impact on the number of bugs in my yard. It seems like a long shot, so I find other things to do...

I've been putting this off for years, and although June is already shaping up to be pretty busy for me, maybe mentioning this here will finally motivate me to get it done.

It's official, our next project is a bird house / bat box!

I'll have my pictures up at some point today!

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This was the last afternoon that I'd have free this month, and I managed to wrap up most of the work. The only thing left is finishing, which is my least favorite part of any project. I almost think I might leave it unfinished since it will only see use for a year or two tops. It's far from perfect, but I was happy to get the practice, and like I said above, it's always fun to use new (or old) tools.

In any case, here is my stool - on the garage floor and in its natural habitat.

Heck yeah, that looks great!

I ran into some family issues so I'm going to be coming in hot, but should be done by the end of this month! I should be posting pictures either today or tommorrow.

Do we have any ideas or suggestions for next months project? I am trying to stick to pretty simple things you don't need a ton of tools for, but you can also shoot for the moon with complexity if you wanted to.

I was thinking about either:

- A picture frame

- A bird house

- A cutting board
