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My Game of the Year Awards 2015 [belated, but with video!]

Hi All!

I finally found the time to put together my Game of the Year awards for 2015. I have been writing these up for the past few years, with categories much in the vein of (okay, basically ripped whole-cloth from) the GB awards. But I decided to do them in video form this year, as I wanted to work on my writing, narration, and editing skills all in one fell swoop! I thought I'd share them here in case anyone is interested - they do clock up to quite a lot of total time, but if you watch any part of them I'd love to hear what you thought of either my picks or the videos themselves.

The categories for each day should be visible on the thumbnails, but just in case they aren't they're all in this lovely spoiler block right here:

Day One:

  • 2015's 2014 Game of the Year
  • Best New Character
  • Best Opening
  • Oddball Award for Best Dumb Game

Day Two:

  • Best Looking Game
  • Best Add-On Content
  • Best Game-Related Series or Show
  • Best Story

Day Three

  • Best Music
  • Most Compelling Use of Mechanics
  • Best Multiplayer
  • Best Mission or Sequence

Day Four:

  • Most eSports
  • Best World Design
  • Best Surprise
  • Best Ending

Day Five:

  • Best Style
  • Game of the Year 2015

There's four nominees (because I'm less decisive than GB and fancied a love-in) and a winner for each category, with the sole exception being the final GotY 2015 category which is just a ranked list of my favourite ten games from last year. I hope you enjoy them!

Day One:

Day Two:

Day Three:

Day Four:

Day Five:

That's all of them! As I mentioned at the start, I'd love to hear if any of you have feedback or suggestions for me on the production end - or just want to chat about my picks and why you agree or disagree. It's all in good fun, after all. :D

Thanks for reading! It was a great year; here's to a top-notch 2016!

Ken out.

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