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Let's start by saying hello...

...and a big hello to everyone reading this, whether old friends or new!! So The Bomb is up and running and we are now all able to enjoy it's explosion of gaming related joy. Everything is currently shiny, new and waiting to be explored. It's a confusing time, full of new experiences. Let's hope the majority of them will be refreshing!

As for me, I'm xTHAWx, a gamer with too many games to play and not enough time to play them all in. I've acquired an Xbox 360, Wii, PSP and DS in the past two years, but I have been an avid gamer for many years before that. My favourite type of games are RPGs, JRPGS, FPS and Survival Horror games (although this latter catagory usually has me yelping in terror as I play!). I'm currently playing Lost Odyssey, Gears of War, Super Smash Brothers Brawl and I should probably dig out Final Fantasy I on the PSP and finish it off...

If anyone wants my Xbox Gamertag or my Wii Number then PM me. Unfortunately though, due to cash constraints, I currently only have Halo 3 and Gears which I play much on Live.

So that about wraps things up for this first post. Any questions, then don't hesitate to ask ;)