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While things are definitely getting better for me lately, I cannot endorse the use of glitter in my life. Please st…

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Stressful Situations

It sure has been a while since my last blog. Since then A LOT has happened. Here is some stuff that has happened organized for your pleasure. 

Giant Bomb Stuff

The big thing that has happened is that I broke 1,000 forum posts. Obviously I have a long way to go in that challenge I started, but I am proud of myself to get my forum posts up. Another thing here on GB that has taken over my time is the new quest system. Since I am an achievement whore, I am in LOVE with these quests. However, I find the mod-only quests to be kinda bullshit. I guess in no way do they have to let the quests be earned by everyone but the fact that the mods are the only ones that can get them is really shitty. 


This is the reason for the title. Finals are next week and that is great because that means I will be getting 3 months of time to do stuff that will be mentioned later in this blog, but it also means I gotta get shit done NOW! Luckily, in the program that I am in, we don't have exams we just have projects that are due on the day of when we would've had an exam. This would be fine if I could actually get shit done! The problem lies in the fact that on Thursday my power cable for my external hard drive broke and all my files for finals are on that and only that. So I ordered a new one from the Western Digital site and ordered the fastest shipping they had. I would've had it yesterday if they put the order through. According to the status they still haven't finalized the order. They sure as hell took my money though. So I hope to get that tomorrow but I doubt I will. Once I get that I won't be as stressed though. 

Work & Lost

Oddly these two do go together. Obviously as I mentioned in my last blog I got a job. I've been working there for over a month now and all I can say is: it's a job. Nothing spectacular but I'm getting paid so that's all that matters. One nice thing is that everyone there is pretty easy to get along with. Especially someone in particular. Yes, it's a girl. No, I will not say her name. I will just refer to her simply as "her". Anyways me and her get along perfectly and we share similar interests and humor. We are constantly joking around and having fun at work and I guess it could be looked at as flirting but I don't want to say it is. Anyways, she LOVES the show Lost. I mean LOVES it. And I told her that I haven't seen it but since it was in its final season I guess I should start so I can watch them all back to back. Her response to this was to let me borrow the first season of Lost. This was very helpful because now that I can't get work done I have time to watch this. Also, my Xbox Live expired and I won't renew it until after finals for fear of getting distracted so this helps alleviate my MW2 needs. So I love the show and I'm so glad she got my into it. 


I also saw this a couple weeks ago with her, her friend, and another co-worker. This movie was AMAZING! I loved it so much! I will definitely buy this when it comes out. If you like superhero movies at all or like to make fun of them or just have fun watch this movie! It's really good! That's all I really have to say. Hey, I never said I was a reviewer. The next movie I will be seeing is Iron Man 2 on May 7th with a bunch of friends when it comes out.

Apartment Hunting

Last but not least, I will be moving closer to work and school probably in July. Me and a buddy of mine are going to room together and we found a place that is perfect! It's a 10-minute walk to school and a 15-minute drive to work. That's much better than the 45 minute to an hour drive to school/work that I have right now. 
So that's about it. I hope everyone reads this that follows me. Also, Achievement Update is going to be halted indefinitely. I don't have the time right now to type these up. I may return in the summer but otherwise, expect these blogs in the recent future. 
Until next time, GO WINGS! Don't lose Game 7. 