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While things are definitely getting better for me lately, I cannot endorse the use of glitter in my life. Please st…

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First Week of College

As some of you may know, others may not, I started college on Monday. Now I still have a class tomorrow but I already had the first half of this class so I know enough to type this thing up now. Plus, without my Achievement Updates I have to give you something. So here we go, I'm attending Ferris State University in Grand Rapids, MI (not the Big Rapids campus for those of you who know, or care) and I'm in the Digital Animation & Game Design program. Try and guess which section I'm more interested in. Now that that is out of the way, let's get to Monday. My first and only class on Monday was 3D Modeling. This is the class I'm gonna have the most fun in because I want to be a level designer. Due to Labor Day next Monday, I don't have any homework in that class too. Tuesday: I had 3D Visual Drawing which is gonna be my worst class because I suck at drawing but the professor said he doesn't grade on skill so that's good. I do have homework in this class but it's easy. After that I have lunch with some friends I've already made there and then I go to Digital Imaging which is a Photoshop class and this will be the class I feel I'll own at because I love messing with Photoshop. In fact my old high school's new baseball logo was made by me in Photoshop. Then I have 3 hours of nothing where I need to figure out how to fill which I'm probably just gonna bring my laptop to fill that time period with awesomeness like homework, Giant Bomb, and WoW. Then I go to Story Development in Film and Gaming which is more fun than it sounds, or at least our first class was a ton of fun. Than I have Wednesday off only to go back on Thursday to go to the second half of Digital Imaging. The week comes to end with Friday being game night! Yes, my college has a game night! We play games for 5 hours! I'm in charge of Rock Band now because they needed someone to bring the stuff and I volunteered. So that's gonna be fun. That's my schedule and now it's time for a ALIENWARE UPDATE! Yes that needed to be in caps for it's epic-awesomeness known as Alienware. My Alienware M17x will be here within the next week. Which is good because I can't wait! Also, my Xbox is about to hit the repair center so I may have my new Xbox by the end of next week! So that's it go back to your fun lives, will ya?
Until next time, The Office returns on Sept. 17th followed by Community!!!!!!!!


Achievement Update #100 (YAY!)

 Well I finally made it to Achievement Update #100! This is a bittersweet moment for me, though. First of all, I'm late, I usually post these on Mondays but it's Friday so something's up. Second, I left Gamespot after my 2 years there because people on there would either not read my blogs or type dumb blogs every 5 minutes that I didn't want to read since they weren't reading mine. At least on here I feel like the community is better and I guess more mature. Anyways, there is one more reason why it's kind of sad, today I mailed in my Xbox to MS for repairs. It hasn't fully died but I can't use my drums or guitar on it because the wireless controller connect button is broken. It's fine for my wireless controllers because I can plug them in with the plug-and-play. Anyways, I won't be playing Xbox for the next 2-3 weeks so if you are on my friends list don't delete me. Because of this, however, this will be the last Achievement Update until I get my Xbox back. But it's not all doom and gloom, here's the achievements!
185/1250 Points
10/50 Achievements

Chapter 5 Complete
Points: 20
Description: Complete Chapter 5 in story mode
Acquired: August 27, 2009

Name: Free flowing
Points: 25
Description: String together the following: wallrun, jump, speedvault
Acquired: August 27, 2009

Name: Chapter 4 Complete
Points: 20
Description: Complete Chapter 4 in story mode
Acquired: August 27, 2009

Name: Chapter 3 Complete
Points: 20
Description: Complete Chapter 3 in story mode
Acquired: August 27, 2009

305/1000 Points
16/50 Achievements

Lord of the Strings
Points: 50
Description: Finished Guitar Solo Tour on Expert
Acquired: August 23, 2009

40/1000 Points
3/48 Achievements

Arcade Rat
Points: 20
Description: Clear Arcade Mode with 1 character on Medium or higher difficulty.
Acquired: August 22, 2009

20,856 Points

There we go, see you guys later.

Until next time, Mirror's Edge can be difficult!
Gamer Geek360


Stewie Griffin Is Gay, Religious Site Freaks Out

Okay, for those who don't know, Seth MacFarlane, creator of Family Guy, recently let out that Stewie Griffin is gay. Now I'm not surprised and I'm fine and dandy with it because Stewie (along with Brian) is one of the best characters on the show in terms of humor. However, one site called ChristWire (or some bullshit like that) has freaked the fuck out and said that Family Guy is promoting a "homogay agenda" (oh I love that so much) to children. First off when did Family Guy become a children's show? And second, what is a "homogay agenda" (WTF?). Anyways here's the link: 
 That's not all though. I decided to post a comment about this man's crazy ideas so I did. Now I want everyone to read this and tell me what you think because I got a real kick out of writing this. I even gave the guy my email address so he can contact me because I want to have a one-on-one talk with him. So here it is. Yes, it's long but if you read it that would be great.
" Thank you for adding some hilarity to my day. I happened upon this site looking for the official article so I could see if the great Seth MacFarlane had any funny stuff to say because everything he does is comedy gold and let me say you sir are one of the most annoying people I have ever heard. Next to Rush Limbaugh or Keith Olbermann of course. I’m a Catholic Christian and I find this kind of religious craziness that you are typing wrong. Just because someone does something that you don’t like doesn’t mean you need to spread your crazy babble about “homogay agendas” (that was hilarious what you did there by the way) to everyone who is stupid enough to follow this useless site. It saddens me to see there are some comments here that agree with your point of view. Family Guy in no way is a children’s cartoon it starts every episode off with a huge sticker with TV-14 on it. Maybe you can’t see it though because you obviously have a narrow-minded view. Also, just because there is a gay character doesn’t mean they are trying to spread a message for the “homogay agenda” (see I love it so much I’m using it again) they have. Finding Nemo had Ellen Degeneres, an openly gay actress/comedian, play the voice of Dori but I didn’t see anywhere in that movie mention a single gay reference. The cartoon is just good wholesome fun for adults. Which reminds me, thanks for the great Stewie compilation you have there that made me laugh as well. Now on to why you should not be writing because this article pretty much is a perfect example of it. First, you used a statistic that did not have a source so I believed you made it up. Then, when asked for a source you linked to a site that is just as biased as this site leading me to believe you never made it up but they did. Next, you are biased. Yes that word is used way too much but this may be one of the few times it’s actually used correctly. You think your religious view is the only view and that anyone who disagrees with you is destined for eternal damnation in Hell. You then go on to tell them what to believe. Well, I believe that is called propaganda and I also believe that is wrong. Anyways, I’ll go back to watching this great comedy show, which by the way returns Sept. 27 for all of you people who aren’t brainwashed into believing that the show is evil. In the meantime, you continuing writing articles about how Two and a Half Men is throwing it’s “homogay agenda” at us (oh man, this is fun using your little made up phrase here. Hey, maybe they’ll put in Webster’s? Wouldn’t that be great! Than you may be known for something great like making up the dumbest phrase ever!) Where was I again, oh yeah Two and a Half Men, you would say that that show should be banned because two men (although related) are living together. You would believe they are gay without even watching the show (once again, narrow-minded) and write up a post about it on this propaganda site. Would you do me a favor though? Would you include a great compilation video so I have something to watch again? Oh who am I kidding I’m not coming back to this site. Actually I might move over to that article called “I Am Extremely Terrified Of Chinese People” that sounds like a good unbiased read." -ME
Also, for those who read it but did not click on the link or did not notice. The article I mentioned at the end is real and was below the comments at the time I was typing this.
Thank you, 


Achievement Update #99


Yeah! Party cause it's Achievement Update #99! Wait, 99? I thought it'd be 100? Oh well, let's just get this over with so the next one will be GREAT! For some at least, terrible (maybe) for others.

190/1550 Points
11/72 Achievements

Big Trouble in Big Town
Points: 20
Description: Completed "Big Trouble in Big Town"
Acquired: August 12, 2009

475/1000 Points
31/50 Achievements

Where Forrestal cashed in.
Points: 30
Description: Collect 1,000,000 studs in the Ancient City Level.
Acquired: August 17, 2009

100/1250 Points
6/50 Achievements

Points: 15
Description: Perform 15 successful disarms (outside of the tutorial)
Acquired: August 12, 2009

Name: Chapter 2 Complete
Points: 20
Description: Complete Chapter 2 in story mode
Acquired: August 12, 2009

105/1000 Points
7/50 Achievements

Eastern European Performer
Points: 10
Description: Played a set in Eastern Europe
Acquired: August 13, 2009

Name: Hello Cleveland!
Points: 20
Description: Deployed Vocal Overdrive 4 times in a single song
Acquired: August 13, 2009

Name: Flawless Singing
Points: 25
Description: Scored a 100% rating as a vocalist on Expert
Acquired: August 13, 2009

20,701 Points

Well I've been playing a lot of WoW so I don't expect to get a lot of achievements this week. But I am going to finally finish off Lego Indiana Jones sometime this week if I find the time. So that's about it, time to play some WoW.

Until next time, FOR THE HORDE!!


Achievement Update #98


Here's another Achievement Update! I'm a little late so I'm just going to type it up.

345/1500 Points
18/66 Achievements


Wacker Packer!




This is the start of something beautiful!


August 7, 2009

Name: Der Electrician!




Excellent forward thinking, fellow Engineer!


August 7, 2009

Name: Locksmith!




Great! More places to run for your life!


August 7, 2009

170/1550 Points
10/72 Achievements

Galaxy News Radio




Completed "Galaxy News Radio"


August 7, 2009

Name: The Protector




Reached Level 8 with Good Karma


August 7, 2009

Name: Tenpenny Tower




Completed "Tenpenny Tower"


August 7, 2009

Name: The Replicated Man




Completed "The Replicated Man"


August 4, 2009

Name: Those!




Completed "Those!"
Acquired: August 4, 2009

445/1000 Points
30/50 Achievements

That's for blashpemy!




Destroy Indy with Jones Snr.


August 9, 2009

Name: The best digger in Cairo.




Uncover 50 pieces of buried treasures using the excavation ability.


August 9, 2009

Name: Oh it breaks the heart.




Smash 20 LEGO objects on enemy heads.


August 7, 2009

Name: Got lost in his own museum.




Unlock secret area in the museum.


August 7, 2009

Name: He chose...poorly.




Complete the "Temple of the Grail" level in Story Mode.


August 7, 2009

Name: They're well out of range dad.




Complete the "Desert Ambush" level in Story Mode.


August 7, 2009

Name: No ticket.




Complete the "Trouble in the Sky" level in Story Mode.


August 7, 2009

Name: We're not going in the boat?




Complete the "Motorcycle Escape" level in Story Mode


August 3, 2009

Name: DON'T call me Junior!




Complete the "Castle Rescue" level in Story Mode.


August 3, 2009

65/1250 Points
4/50 Achievements

Chapter 1 Complete




Complete Chapter 1 in story mode


August 8, 2009

Name: Pacifist




Complete a chapter without firing a gun


August 8, 2009

Name: Prologue Complete




Complete the Prologue in story mode


August 8, 2009

Name: Back on the job




Complete the Tutorial


August 8, 2009

255/1000 Points
15/50 Achievements





Finished Drum Solo Tour on Medium


August 10, 2009

Name: Rhythm Rocker




Finished Drum Solo Tour on Easy


August 8, 2009

50/1000 Points
4/50 Achievements

You're Hired!




Hired a staff member


August 7, 2009

Name: East Coast Performer




Played a set on the East Coast of North America


August 7, 2009

Name: Got Wheels




Won a Van in World Tour


August 6, 2009

Name: Heartland Performer




Played a set in Middle America


August 6, 2009

20,561 Points

So that's it. I'm don't feel much like typing after that monstrous amount of achievements so I'll post more later this week.

Until next time, this Three Dog! OWWWHHH!

A Very Productive Saturday

Let's just start off with the beginning, I was very tired last night and I turned the TV off at 11:30 (an hour early than usual) and feel asleep instantly. I woke up at 11:30 this morning so I got a full 12 hours of sleep! Something I desperately needed. Anyways, I ate lunch because there was no point to eating breakfast and took my shower. Once I took my shower my mom said let's order your laptop! That's right, I now have my Alienware M17x laptop ordered! So it's the same specs as my last post about it mentioned except the processor is better. The laptop is scheduled to come in on Sept. 1st at the latest and I can't wait. Not only was that ordered, I have ordered a 1TB external hard drive for it, a ink jet printer, a 6 ft. HDMI cable, and all my books for college. I start college on August 31st and am going in to become a game designer so all the stuff I mentioned is necessary. I'm using the hard drive to take my files to school when I don't want to take my 12 lb. Alienware, the printer is obviously used for printing, and the cable is going to be used to hook my computer up to my TV easily. The computer also has a Blu-ray drive so I can watch Blu-ray movies on my computer and view them on my TV! I can't wait for it! But, that's not the best news! I got a call a couple minutes ago from Wal-Mart and I have an interview on Monday! I might be a cashier there! Hopefully I get it because then I can afford WoW, which I'm getting when my computer calls, and I might upgrade my Hardened pre-order to Prestige for MW2. I also really want the Assassin's Creed 2 collector's edition. That's it my Achievement Update of course will return on Monday.
Until next time, children. (playing a lot of Fallout 3 again lately and I love Three Dog)
-Gamer Geek360


Achievement Update #97

This has to be the biggest Achievement Update I've ever posted! Not because of the number of achievements but because of what I have done this week! Big things have happened now read on to find out!

310/1000 Points
21/50 Achievements

X marks the spot! **(1,000TH ACHIEVEMENT!)**
Points: 10
Description: Complete the "The Hunt for Sir Richard" level in Story Mode.
Acquired: August 2, 2009

Name: Prepare to meet Kali!
Points: 10
Description: Complete the "Battle on the Bridge" level in Story Mode.
Acquired: August 2, 2009

Name: Take the left tunnel!
Points: 10
Description: Complete the "Escape the Mines" level in Story Mode.
Acquired: August 2, 2009

Name: It's not the years honey...
Points: 40
Description: Complete any level with out dying, without invincibility.
Acquired: August 2, 2009

Name: Quit fooling around.
Points: 10
Description: Complete the "Free The Slaves" level in Story Mode.
Acquired: August 1, 2009

Name: Bad dates! **(THIS ACHIEVEMENT BROKE 20K!)**
Points: 20
Description: Give 20 bananas to monkeys.
Acquired: August 1, 2009

Name: Kali Ma will rule the world!
Points: 10
Description: Complete the "Kali's Temple" level in Story Mode.
Acquired: August 1, 2009

Name: Hey! You call him Dr. Jones!
Points: 20
Description: Create and name a custom build character.
Acquired: August 1, 2009

Name: I had bugs for lunch!
Points: 10
Description: Complete the "Pankot Secrets" level in Story Mode.
Acquired: August 1, 2009

Name: Goodbye Dr. Jones.
Points: 20
Description: Destroy Indy with Lao Che.
Acquired: July 31, 2009

Name: Nice try, Lao Che!
Points: 20
Description: Destroy Lao Che with Indy.
Acquired: July 31, 2009

Name: Short Round, step on it!
Points: 10
Description: Complete the "Shanghai Showdown" level in Story Mode.
Acquired: July 31, 2009

Name: Keep your eyes shut!
Points: 10
Description: Complete the "Opening the Ark" level in Story Mode.
Acquired: July 29, 2009

Name: I'm making this up as I go along
Points: 10
Description: Complete the "Pursing the Ark" level in Story Mode.
Acquired: July 29, 2009

Name: I hate these guys.
Points: 20
Description: Destroy 200 bad guys.
Acquired: July 28, 2009

Name: Why did have to be snakes?
Points: 10
Description: Complete the "The Well of Souls" level in Story Mode.
Acquired: July 28, 2009

Name: I step on fortune cookie!
Points: 20
Description: Destroy 50 creepy-crawlies.
Acquired: July 28, 2009

Name: Belloq's staff is too long.
Points: 10
Description: Complete the "City of Danger" level in Story Mode.
Acquired: July 27, 2009

Name: He's no nuts. He's crazy!!
Points: 20
Description: Smash 250 LEGO objects.
Acquired: July 27, 2009

Name: It's important Marion, trust me.
Points: 10
Description: Complete the "Into the Mountains" level in Story Mode.
Acquired: July 27, 2009

255/1250 Points
19/58 Achievements

Son of a Devil
Points: 15
Description: Blackheart was defeated.
Acquired: August 1, 2009

Name: Game Over
Points: 15
Description: Arcade was defeated.
Acquired: July 31, 2009

20,096 Points

So that was my amazing week! I have been working on Lego Indiana Jones like crazy and one of my friends was over on Friday and he wanted to play some Marvel so we played that and I got some achievements in that. As for the breaking 20k achievement, I wanted it to be something kinda funny so I picked the banana one because that was the funniest in the game I thought. And last night I got my 1,000th achievement. I didn't want it to be anything specific so I just let the game go on as I normally would. I think I can actually get all the achievements in Lego Indiana Jones now so I'm happy! I also played some COD4 and I'm finally 4th prestige! Of course I played some Rock Band and had some fun. I plan on going to my friend's house this weekend so if you want to play anything on Friday night just hit me up we'll probably play Battlefield 1943, Call of Duty 4, Rock Band, and maybe some other stuff...? Lastly, I will probably be ordering my Alienware laptop this week so I plan on getting back into WoW later this month. Lastly (again), I'm in the Xbox Live Update Preview Program so I have the new update and I find myself cool to be in it.

Until next time, that is all.


Achievement Update #96

Another Achievement Update! I'm closing in on numero cien (number 100)! Not only am I getting to my 100th Achievement Update, but I'm closing in on 20,000 gamerscore! So let's see how close I am, shall we?

120/200 Points
8/12 Achievements

Points: 20
Description: Get one kill with car, tank and plane
Acquired: July 26, 2009

Name: Parachutist
Points: 10
Description: Use the parachute once (2 seconds)
Acquired: July 23, 2009

Name: The Pacific Campaign
Points: 10
Description: Win once on every map as any team
Acquired: July 23, 2009

Name: Milkrun
Points: 20
Description: Fly a plane for 10 minutes
Acquired: July 23, 2009

Name: Attacker
Points: 10
Description: Capture five flags
Acquired: July 22, 2009

Name: Melee Man
Points: 20
Description: Melee kill one enemy player
Acquired: July 22, 2009

Name: Master of your domain
Points: 20
Description: Get one kill playing as each class
Acquired: July 22, 2009

Name: Defender
Points: 10
Description: Defend five flags
Acquired: July 22, 2009

315/1000 Points
24/50 Achievements

Points: 10
Description: You failed a song with available Star Power in single player.
Acquired: July 22, 2009

Name: Artist On The Rise
Points: 5
Description: You created a new custom Band logo.
Acquired: July 22, 2009

Name: Masterpiece
Points: 5
Description: You created a new custom rocker.
Acquired: July 22, 2009

Name: Ink And Blood
Points: 5
Description: You created a custom tattoo.
Acquired: July 22, 2009

Name: Master Craftsman
Points: 5
Description: You created a new custom instrument.
Acquired: July 22, 2009

Name: The One Man Band
Points: 35
Description: You completed all four instrument Careers on any difficulty.
Acquired: July 22, 2009

Name: Low-Pitched King
Points: 30
Description: You completed the Career as the Bassist.
Acquired: July 22, 2009

Name: Unnoticed Presence
Points: 5
Description: You performed as the Bassist.
Acquired: July 21, 2009

Name: Bark At The Moon
Points: 30
Description: You completed the Career as the Vocalist.
Acquired: July 21, 2009

Name: Rock Veteran
Points: 20
Description: You played 150 songs throughout your entire Career.
Acquired: July 21, 2009

Name: Smoking!!!
Points: 10
Description: You completed the song Smoke On The Water as the Vocalist.
Acquired: July 21, 2009

Name: Promising Diva
Points: 5
Description: You performed as the Vocalist.
Acquired: July 20, 2009

Name: Inhuman
Points: 10
Description: You scored 5 stars in a song on Expert with Lars Umlaut in single player.
Acquired: July 20, 2009

Name: Craving For More
Points: 5
Description: You downloaded a song from GHTunes(SM).
Acquired: July 20, 2009

Name: Unyielding
Points: 30
Description: You completed the Career as the Drummer.
Acquired: July 20, 2009

10/1000 Points
1/50 Achievements

There is nothing to fear here.
Points: 10
Description: Complete the "The Lost Temple" level in Story Mode.
Acquired: July 24, 2009

19,766 Points

So to close in on 20k I plan on playing some more Lego Indiana Jones. I sucked out as many achievements in Guitar Hero as I could. Also, I bet you all are wondering what I got with my points after I bought Battlefield 1943 so here's the list of songs that I got. Yep, I bought Rock Band songs because I didn't feel like adding to the pile of games I need to play. So here's the songs I picked up (all of them are fun):

"Snow (Hey Oh)" - Red Hot Chili Peppers
"Tell Me Baby" - Red Hot Chili Peppers
"Renegade" - Styx
"Behind Blue Eyes" - The Who
"Last Resort" - Papa Roach

I plan on getting a job at the college I will be attending next month so more points and games will be coming but not for a while. Except for Modern Warfare 2 which I still have the Hardened Edition pre-ordered. If I get a job soon enough, than I may go for the night vision goggles one.

Until next time, I'm off to play some Lego Indy!
-Gamer Geek360


An All Around Update

Well I said there was going to be a blog in the coming days and here it is. There is going to be some interesting stuff in here but first I want to start this with a question. I got 2000 MS points yesterday and I spent 1200 points on Battlefield 1943, and it's awesome, but now I have 800 points left over and I don't know what to spend it on. So here are the choices I have and I think I know what everyone's going to say:

  • 'Splosion Man
  • The Maw
  • Rock Band songs
  • Monkey Island

I could just get some more points but I'd prefer not to do that. Anyways, please help me solve this dilemma. I would've got Fallout 3 DLC but I won't be playing that for a while and I'm not even that far in it yet. Okay, now for the cool stuff. First, I got the new Microsoft Arc USB wireless mouse for my laptop because I'm sick of the touch pad. That's minor compared to what's next. In a few weeks, I will be getting this. It's the Alienware M17x gaming laptop. The only difference from what you see on the site is that instead of red lights they will be green. I'm not getting this just for gaming (although that's part of it) but I'm getting because on August 31st I start college and, as some of you may know, I will be going into become a level designer in the game industry. I want a gaming laptop to make sure it will have the right graphics. The specs that I want, and can afford, are these:
  • Windows Vista Home Premium (already have) + Windows 7 upgrade coupon
  • Intel Core 2 Duo P8600 2.4GHz (3MB Cache, 1066MHz FSB)
  • Single NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260M, 1GB (good enough I don't need the best)
  • 17-inch WideUXGA 1920x1200 (1200p) (HD, baby!)
  • 4GB Dual Channel DDR3 at 1333MHz
  • 1TB - 2x 500GB 7,200RPM - RAID 0
  • Slot-Load Dual Layer Blu-ray Combo (BR-ROM, DVD+-RW, CD-RW) (I don't know, I might stick with DVD. But, it's Blu-Ray!)
  • 4Yr Ltd Hardware Warranty, InHome Service after Remote Diagnosis
  • World of Warcraft Preinstall Edition (gotta have WoW pre-installed. hey, it's free!)

So that's that. I know, you probably are going to say it's crappy or I could do better but this is what I can afford and this is what I want. I'm also getting a 1TB external hard drive to help back up everything. Anyways, please comment, I'd love to hear your feedback on this stuff.

Until next time, I'm done with Guitar Hero: Smash Hits.