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The 2012 Take My Money Sweepstakes

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  • Take away the Metal Gear pretensions, and the VGA trailer was trademark stupid awesome Platinum; turd-like graphics, laughable voice over, and pants-soilingly silly action. A CO-OPS mission between Hideo Kojima and Atsushi Inaba (Okami, Viewtiful Joe), the talent involved in this project is too overwhelming to deny. The "secret" director is a little unnerving... wish Hideki Kamiya was the guy but he's apparently not.

  • I should have heeded the words of my dear friend Raxxel many fortnights ago. "Dat Bowdalans", he would say. Over and over again. Over two years after its release I bit the bullet on a Playstation Plus discount and can only kick m'self in the coin purse for not even registering Borderlands on my 2009, 2010, or 2011 radar. It's daggum near 2012 and I'm just now discovering this raunchy gem. It's like a Too Human loot trek, only *good*, and *fun to play*, and *laugh out loud funny*. I'm locked in for the sequel day one.

  • Still too many unexplained details, but same deal with Rising; too much god-tier talent. In a world where the unused and discarded half-popped kernals of popping corn have sworn bitter revenge against humanity, we get to stave them off with salt shakers, movie tickets, and whatever else we find lying around this desolate world. Looks to be the first Naughty Dog game since the original Jak and Daxter where the focus isn't on solving 95% of the problems with buns glazing.

  • I'm feeling strong vibes with this'n. To this day I remember the fervor surrounding RE4 with the gaming media in the months leading up to that epic release. I'm hearing, reading, and seeing nothing but good things about Revelations. Can it recapture that classic RE terror as advertised? I haven't been the biggest fan of Crapcom for the last several years, so I'm keeping the hype level to a steady shamble rather than an all out sprint here.

  • Try as I might to hold my excitement in check, I just can't with this one. It seems to be everything we'd hoped XIII was supposed to be, only in a totally different way than we were expecting. A <a target="_blank" href="">metal</a> chocobo theme with laughable lyrics? Lake Bresha <a target="_blank" href="">rappin'</a> and b-ballin'? Ridiculous blasphemes on the sacredness of Final Fantasy! But wait... the thought of soarin' around on a red chocobo listening to that is CRAZY AWESOME and so totally NOT Final Fantasy. I like it that way. "Big Ups" to Square.

  • Confirmed for "the Americas" in 2012, this is the first real Kingdom Hearts game in nearly six years. Looks stupidly gorgeous and supports the circle pad pro for KHII handles. Can't wait to see the Tron: Legacy world, and so far no sign of Agrabah!

  • "The Warehouse" is as iconic as any character or location in the history of gaming. Seeing it reborn in HD (albeit at the hands of Tony Hawk Ride scrubs Robomodo) with Tony training up that 1,000,000 point line... so cash. As in, take my $15.

  • This is the next project from 2K Marin, who put together the surprise sequel BioShock 2. Judging by their work with the Minerva's Den expansion, I'm willing to bet XCOM will be a sleeper hit. I'm not a fan of the XCOM strategy games (in fact I'd never even heard of said games before this re-imagining), but 2K Marin are master storytellers who also happen to make pretty darn exciting games.

  • VGA trailer dropped Infinite's stock quite a bit for me. I'm sure it'll be an unforgettable experience but I'm just not feeling the floating city in the sky thing.

  • Flower remains one of the most mentally absorbing, spiritually touching games I've ever played. It told an unforgettable story without a word of dialog nor even a cast of characters; you were but a flower petal twisting in the wind. I absolutely can't wait to see how these talented devs tackle the theme of isolation with their newest game Journey.