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Thoughts on the GB Infinite Series Feature

Hey all,

I've been really overwhelmed with how many kind words you've sent my way about GB Infinite. It really has been a labor of love and I've really enjoyed adapting it and watching it grow. As with any brand new endeavor there will be missteps, broken things, and contentious features. The bottom line is, we want GB Infinite to be a fun place to hang out and talk with your fellow duders. Where you can discover new content you never saw, or rediscover some of your favorites along with others.

All that being said, the recent series continuation feature has been a bit of a love-it or hate-it feature. We built it with the best intentions in mind not knowing it would cause a division in the community. I hope y'all understand that things like this are hard to see ahead of time. I also hope that people who do enjoy the feature will see the reasoning of the other side of the argument.

For the moment we've decided to pull the feature. It may come back in some form in the future, probably with additional limitations, or maybe with set schedules. The feature will be pulled tomorrow morning Apr 25th, so we'll let the existing persona run keep going in the meantime, but at some point tomorrow the poll will return to true random.

We welcome additional feedback on this feature or on any new features you'd like to see, so please post them in this thread if you have them.

In the end we're really glad that you GB Infinite and we hope to keep it a positive and welcoming place.

Be cool to each-other, and I'll see you in chat.

