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A Summerjam Scholar and a Gentleman

Man I was excited to had finally met him in person.
Man I was excited to had finally met him in person.

There probably isn't anything I can say that the community as a whole has not said already. This is the first time a death of someone I did not know that personally has hit me so hard.

I honestly never followed any of the gang over at Gamespot and think I only became aware of them when the news was breaking about the firing of Jeff Gerstmann on Digg (remember that site?). I then stumbled across Giant Bomb when it was only a WordPress blog and was hooked from that moment on. Hard. The amount they involved the community was something I hadn't been seen before. Since that first day have been visiting the site everyday since then, multiple times a day. Absorbing all the quick looks, live shows, podcasts that they have been pumping out since then. Not missing a single one.

I am so grateful I had to chance to fly out to Boston for PAX East this past year and attend the Giant Bomb panel. To be honest that was 90% of the reason I was going was to see the panel and finally meet the Giant Bomb crew in person. All of them stayed around after the panel to talk, take pictures, and have laughs until every single person that wanted to was able to.

It has been so great to see the out poor of support from this community to Ryan's friends and family. I would also like to extend my thoughts and support out to his friends, family, wife Anna and the entire Giant Bomb crew.

I will miss you duder.


Finally let me share one of my favorite Ryan moments:

(Note: He is not giving me the hover hand in that picture, he was in the middle of giving the person shit that was taking the picture for complaining on not knowing how to use a iPhone camera that involves hitting one button.)

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So I have been on Giant Bomb since launch but have yet to write a blog post. So here is a small introduction post.
I am a 21 year old Systems Administrator for a fairly large server hosting company. When I am not breaking (err fixing..) things I enjoy doing a little coding on the side, such as my unofficial mobile Giant Bomb site, and the work in progress Comic Vine version. I have plans to turn it into an actual platform so I can easily push out mobile version sites of Whiskey Media sites in a matter of a couple of hours.
I obviously enjoy a bit of gaming or I wouldn't be here but I don't do that as much as I nearly want to anymore since I just recently got a "real" job. I was mostly a PC Gamer since I started playing Doom with by Dad, but have always enjoyed console games as well.
  Thats all I have for now. Maybe more later (but this post may have been made for the achievement!). :D