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  • VVarbler89 posted a message in the forum topic [Chrome Extension] GBx - Add individual videos to your watchlist, light theme, and more.... on the General Discussion board

    @theadmin: sorry. In gaming when you gate progress, it is like spending money, but you can't keep track of it and you don't know where it goes. Thankfully button mashing has never bankrupted someone...

  • VVarbler89 posted a message in the forum topic [Chrome Extension] GBx - Add individual videos to your watchlist, light theme, and more.... on the General Discussion board

    Can you make the UI intuitive enough and air tight to the point that video data isn't artificially gated to 3rd party aggregate? The end result would be subjective but in theory feasible.

  • VVarbler89 posted a message in the forum topic Metal Gear Solid tiki drink?. on the Off-Topic board

    You have to consider that there are many MANY people without resources right now. Had you even considered a stripped down version of the drink, perhaps utilizing listerine and five alive, with a mara...

  • VVarbler89 posted a message in the forum topic Dreams & Nightmares thread.. on the Off-Topic board

    I had a dream that I shot heroin in rapid succession and then had a tearful with my father about how I wouldnt be able to talk to him anymore. He was essentially estranged at that point from my life....

  • VVarbler89 posted a message in the forum topic Introduce YOURSELF!. on the Off-Topic board

    Hello,I'm not sure how I can introduce myself here without pissing on some section of society or perpetuating a stereotype about deviant sub cultures. Honestly. I probably don't even have the zeal t...

  • VVarbler89 posted a new image.