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#1  Edited By vinny


Recording Goblins be Damned!

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Drew and I recorded a QL for Flight Sim 2020 but the audio isn't great (my local recording got borked) so we're going to record again tomorrow. Good news is we finally got the multiplayer sorted by the end so we can do more of that this time around in the recording. Look for that going up later tomorrow afternoon. Thanks again to Drew for donating his mornings to help with this!

I'll be joining Brad along with some other folks for Breaking Brad later today, which I'm really looking forward to, so tune into that. Not sure if this is the first one I'll be a part of? Can't remember. Can't be...

Then we'll be recording the QL for Othercide. I dig the game but it stresses me out having to sacrifice my characters to heal! Look for that going up later this week as well.

After all that the plan is for Alex and me to record Mass Alex, so depending on how late that goes and what the upload gods do... that will probably go up tomorrow morning or later in the day Thursday after the Beastcast.

Enjoy the videos and streams!


Alex isn't feeling great so we're going to push this week's Mass Alex recording to next week and maybe do a longer episode with, I suspect (but no promises), that Citadel DLC... we'll see.

In the process of kicking out that Othercide QL and I'll put that up today when it's done.

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#2  Edited By vinny


Risk of Rain 2 QL was recorded yesterday but we had some trouble getting the file off of Ben's computer and onto mine so I can mix it and process it. Between the two attempts to upload it that total time was probably over 6 hours. Which is a long time. Seems like it is in the drop folder now so downloading it and hopefully that should be up later today. Fingers crossed everything is fine with the recordings!

Also, working on uploading and processing this week's Best of video (Thanks Derek!). Usually, Abby handles that but she is out on PTO this week. That goes live on the weekend.

I want to spend an hour or two more in Othercide before we record a QL for that and the same for MS Flight Sim tomorrow, so while the Bombcast is going I'll be doing that. I've done all the tutorials in Flight Sim but want to try more of the challenges. Usually, Alex and I use that time during the Bombcast to record Mass Alex, but he's out today so the skies the limit! I'd like to get MS Flight Sim go up Wed if I can turn everything around quickly and Othercide will be later this week.

Was hoping to get more time with Factorio last night while waiting on the Risk of Rain footage to upload but instead spent until about 10:30PM with Brad testing out different direct connection options between remote computers for sharing gameplay. A lot of port opening, netcat, SRT, and general "Why is it doing that?" but some progress was made and I always like spending time with Brad.

After that I still wanted to play Factorio... but instead called it a night, which means I spent the night in a shoving match with the dog for a spot in the bed. The dog always wins. Should have played Factorio!

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What a week!

We're going to shift gears a bit from the back-to-back streams and try and get some other programmed business together. There are some folks on vacation this week (Enjoy!) including Alex for a bit of the early week, so Mass Alex will be delayed but hopefully we'll find a spot sometime later this week to record and process it.

We're still playing around with formats and tech but here are some other bits we're looking at getting to for this week:

Quick Look: Risk of Rain 2
Quick Look: Othercide
Quick Look: MS Flight Sim (if only I can find a pilot to do this with... AHA)

HotSpot (Premium)
Breaking Brad (Premium)
Playdate (Premium) [Maybe playing one of my favorite Arcade games... need to see if it will work]

Of course Bombcast/Beastcast and probably a few more streams here and there hosted by other people or ones that I'm not directly involved in so I'm not going to list them here.

Abby will be out on this week's Beastcast but hopefully Jeff G. can join us to talk about VIDEO GAMES.

I'm also trying to spend time with Factorio since it's now 1.0 and I've got a lot of catching up to do. A video of that would probably be next week at the earliest.

Keep an eye out on the Upcoming on the front page for live/posting times.


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Today's HotSpot archive is incoming.

Done recording Minecraft and processing that and today's The HotSpot. For how The HotSpot gets processed you can see yesterday's post about The Beastcast, except things move a bit faster because there are only 2 versions (premium audio and premium video) and only our content management system to deal with since we only serve it to the Giant Bomb site (not counting RSS feeds).

Also, I figured if anyone has any questions (mostly related to production) drop me a message from the site DMs and I can try and answer one here. Probably not extremely long answers though as I try to do these as some background process is running.

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#5  Edited By vinny


Beastcast is on its way.

Not sure if this is worth noting here but currently waiting for a version of the Beastcast to export so that's an update if you're wondering where it is. It gets streamed live then we process (trim the breaks out and boost some of the audio) on the video version and that's exported, uploaded, and hopefully processing in the background while the audio version is worked on. We use the local recordings that everyone uploads and sync those up, add filters to clean up the audio, and try to level them out. Then it's exported, the tags and artwork are added, and then the two versions (free and premium) are uploaded to where they need to go. Then all the data needs to be dropped into the content management system(s) and if you played your cards right, those video versions you uploaded first is close to done and you can hit publish to go live. If it's not done yet, you can sit and wait for one of the four versions (free video, premium video, free audio, premium audio) to finish doing whatever it's doing and blow on the screen to make it go faster. Sometime's I'll just publish if something is moving too slowly and add a note into the comments that a certain version is caught somewhere but on its way. And now my export is ready so I'm starting the audio only version now. Bye!

Edit: Published! Enoy.

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#6  Edited By vinny

Hello all,

It's Vinny and I figured I'd make a thread and stick it here so I can just add to it when I want to drop a note for information regarding some site stuff. Like, for example:


  • Mass Alex Ep 21 is still processing and should be up later today
  • We're going to be doing a bunch of non-public streaming tests today during the afternoon so a lot of the staff will be pulled into that as we try to work through some technical and creative aspects of shows we'd like to do in the future. I believe Matt Rorie will be streaming during that time, so thanks Matt.
  • Later today Ben, Abby, and I might play some more Deep Rock Galactic, which I'm looking forward to!

EDIT 12:36 ET: Mass Effect probably has an hour left, maybe less? It's compressing off in the system right now. Sometimes it takes 20 minutes... sometimes it takes 20 minutes and then another 30 minutes to distribute one of the compressions to our platform (we make 7 versions of varying qualities). Here's a bit of what that looks like if you were to, say... stare and yell at it to make it go faster:

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I'd second Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective as a great experience for two people, especially if they like mysteries at all. Maybe not exactly what you're after but Qwirkle is also really fun and seems to scale well for few or multiple players. OH also, Forbidden Island and Forbidden Desert work with 2 players and then can be even more fun with more... eventually!

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This should be all working now! Sorry about that, seems like the video got caught right as a backend site update was going through.

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I recently wrapped up the current Stormlight Archives and really enjoyed them for the most part, though it sounds like I really need to jump on the Malazan stuff (which I apparently already have in my audible library!). Also, based on the books you have listed you might want to look into Seveneves by Stephenson. Not my absolute favorite, but has some really great and memorable parts.

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Sorry, still have to edit and put it together today. Got behind last week with the holiday and we didn't get to record everything we needed until late on Friday. Should be up later today.