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  • veganarking posted a message on the post Rez Infinite Review.

    Hmm I might have to look into the quest, but the data mining facebook is undoubtedly doing is... disturbing. I don't know how much I'd trust any other company though, to be honest.

  • veganarking posted a message on the post Episode 13 [Jeff Just Wants To Dig].

    There was a booth at a local fleamarket that I went to growing up. That booth sold used Ps2/original Xbox games and fucking K2 (Spice-- the fake weed stuff). I don't think it was legal. Anyway, Jef...

  • veganarking followed Unprofessional Fridays .
  • veganarking posted a message on the post Google Stadia.

    Actually pretty impressed with the camera angle where Jeff was dancing & we could see the screens below him. Never thought of a use for those before, but that was a perfect example.