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Average score of 2 user reviews

Sticky tarmac 0

To start off let me say that I’m a big fan of the Forza Motorsport franchise. And Forza Motorsport 2 didn’t make me like it less.GraphicsOn the graphic side Forza Motorsport 2 is a beautiful game, bit while looking realistic it also looks a bit cartoony compared to a newer game like Gran Turismo 5 Prologue on the PlayStation 3. All in all a very good looking game, that cares for the details of the cars and the surroundings.AudioThe music soundtrack is not memorable but just okay. The in-game sou...

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Pit stop! 0

I waited in anticipation for Gran Turismo 5: Prologue to be released as I was a bit fan of the Gran Turismo franchise. Finally the day came when it dropped in the door. Popped it into my PlayStation 3 and away we went. My first impression was:”Wow, can this really be?”. The graphic aspect of the game was immense although with a few glitches but nothing mind blowing. After playing it for a few days it began to get a bit boring with the same tracks again and again.Although the great number of cars...

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