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This game's slow pace makes me think that a lot of people fall in love with the quality & the setting at first, but only a small fragment of the buying audience will have it in them to get through the entire game.

But that is true of most games, this article from 2011 says that 90% of players won't finish a game. Even for Call of Duty a franchise with typically short campaigns, they fail to reach a higher completion rate than 54%. You're most likely right but not really because of anything rockstar has done design wise.

Fun tidbit about the cod stats Steam has a higher completion rate than xbox 360/1.

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@humanity: This is her in the first game, which I think is still decently porny but; is less porny than her current design.

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Here is the trailer for japanese spider man.

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@dan_citi: That's exactly how HMs worked in sun and moon. Once you reached certain points in the story you were given ride pokemon which had the same function as an HM, didn't take up a slot in your party and you could pull them out at any time.

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@crazy_horse:He didn't say that originally. It seems to me if it was actually about harassment and not baseless rumours he would have mentioned that in his original statements. Since harassment is a far more serious thing than and I quote "If I have one conversation with one female streamer where we’re playing with one another, and even if there’s a hint of flirting, that is going to be taken and going to be put on every single video and be clickbait forever" and "The only way to avoid that [gossip] is to not play with them at all." Because those things he mentioned originally aren't harassment. It's disingenuous to say that you're making a decision because of reasons x and y. Then when you get criticised for that decision, to go and say that it was really reason z all along.

But his new statement makes the situation for his family even worse. He has just told all the online harassers that their harassment is so powerful it controls his decision making. He has cut women out of his professional life because of it and; they didn't even have to harass him to get him to do that He has said the n word on stream; if harassers start using it to make videos and clickbait to paint him as a racist. Will his response be to cut black people out of his professional life?

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@tropesage: I haven’t gone deep into their social media but I’ve never seen them post pictures of wives/girlfriends. Or identify then in any way. How could they be harassed, no one knows who they are?

They are smart enough to keep their wives/girlfriends anonymous. That’s how they are protecting them.

Ninja doesn’t have that option. I’m guessing if he did he wouldn’t have a problem streaming with other women either.

Someone else pointed out that to that ninja said nothing about avoiding harasement so I won't rehash that.

So instead let me point out that with the initial Zoe Quinn rumour/falsehood that not only was there no evidence to support it; there was evidence that it was completely false. Yet in spite of that the rumour spread like a wildfire during a dry season. The internet doesn't need him to stream with women to make the rumours, clickbait and, videos. It will do that regardless. Source

He hasn't protected his family with this decision. Instead he has pointed out his family's weakness. If you're a horrid person on the internet who has it out for ninja; he has spelled out exactly what to do to hurt him and his family.

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Yeah cmon ninja just fix internet toxicity already. Whatcha waiting for? F your marriage, it’s your responsibility.

I look forward to the beastcasts extra life streams with their significant others. Odd that they haven’t done that already. It almost like they are protecting them from internet toxicity....

And I thought the regular bombcast was judgy, wow.

How could they possibly be protecting their significant others from internet toxicity when they regularly appear on camera with a woman and sometimes multiple women they aren't in a relationship with? I mean according to ninja that ruins your relationship because of all the rumours, accusations and clickbait from internet randos.

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@merxworx01: I've been watching a youtuber play through the game and while they haven't beaten it yet it seems that you won't visit all the realms through the main story alone. At least two of the realms are locked behind collectibles.

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@odinsmana: Yes, most people have them. Though it's not really an expectation, if you didn't have one most people wouldn't find it weird.

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Edited By tropesage

@monkeyking1969 said:

That is what always annoyed me about this game in particular and most sci-fi games. Almost all of the aliens should be speaking a made up language and then subtitled. It shoudl be the rare alien that LEARNS whatever is the 'human language is set to by the player.

I think it would be far more interesting if everything were subtitled. Also, I think the voice acting woudl APPEAR less shitty if nobody knew if the liner were being delivered correctly, right. They woudl only have to do voice acting for maybe ten characters, seven main character and three other who were just doing teh voices for the background aliens that canonically can speak human standard (i.e. the in game language chosen by the player.

Also, Andromeda seems to have ZERO fun with aliens. The first few games had fun with the ElcororHanar. That what I wanted, I wanted them to double down on making aliens really weirdly alien.

Mass Effect has universal translators, the aliens are speaking their own languages, they're just being translated in real time by technology.

As for it being more interesting if they were all subtitled, Bioware did that for star wars knights of the old republic, trust me it's actually less interesting that way. You just end up listening to the same sounds over and over again, while waiting for the next line of subtitles to show up on screen or; you just save your time and sanity by hitting the skip dialogue button every time you finishing reading a line or two of dialogue like it's some kind of awful Q.T.E.