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Trying to figure out life, while escaping our reality through the medium known as video games.

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It's Untz Bidoop time, baby!

You know what time it is everyone? 

Its Untz Bidoop time, baby!

Okay, here's the thing. Two of my xbros, also known to me as great friends, where hanging out playing some Dead Space 2 and fiddling around with a Kaossilator a couple of week ago. As they where making progress through the game and with some new interesting tunes, they decided to make an album with Kaossilator made music, with song titles inspired by CoD4, Dead Space, love, colors, space, zombies, Duke Nukem and pure awesomeness.
And as of today, February 14 2011 the day of love, the whole world can finally listen the mysterious tunes made by this awesome duo. 
Download it for free here  
12 minutes of pure psychedelic awesomeness! 

   Untz Bidoop - Pripyat Hits
 Untz Bidoop - Pripyat Hits

    1. Poop Back and Forth  (0:25)
    2. McMillan’s Ass under a Truck (he’s in pain)  (1:19)
    3. I Wish to be a Wind  (0:54)
    4. Lingondryck  (2:06)
    5. Necromorph Alert  (1:16)
    6. P2  (1:08)
    7. Sputnik Goes to Space  (2:19)
    8. Manhattan Project  (0:54)
    9. Acid Lactic Pudra  (0:59)
    10. Zombie Mole  (0:57)
Two videos (so far) are available on YouTube


 Henshin-a-g.... I mean Untz Bidoop, baby!