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About 15 years ago i used to play arcade machines in Mexico, these machines had multiple games in a single machine, King of Fighters, Burnout, Crazy taxi, GTA San Andreas, sometimes Vice City, and many others, I believe those consoles were xboxes the regular ones not the 360's, this specific game that I'm trying to find out about is a fighting game that let you create your own character to a certain degree, while you modified your character it was in underwear, you could add tattoos on him, the setting were underground fights, sometimes in clubs others in parking lots, but it followed a certain storyline, at one point you get to pick a woman for you, and after winning a fight later in the game you could switch that woman for another high-class woman named Electra if you choose to do so, after that there's a fight that takes place in a cabin or warehouse where your girl is kidnapped tied to a chair in a ring of fire, and you have to beat this man to free her, as far as I remember the game had decent graphics and interactive play for its time. If anyone has any guesses that would be deeply appreciated