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Games Played in 2011

list of games played in 2011
if available, i will include the date of when i first played the demo 
system will be included as well
list will start when 2011 starts

List items

  • 1-1-11. First game of the New Year

  • 1-1-11 Demo

  • 1-1-11 played this game for about 5 hours straight. needless to say, its addicting.

  • 1-7-11 iPhone games r too easy to play and easy to forget they r games i have played.idk if ill keep adding them.

  • 1-7-11 How can u not play this game if u have an iOS device. i have probably played this game earlier in the year but forgot.

  • 1-12-10 my brother got a DSi in the mail from Christmas and i found a copy of this lying around and decided to pick it up and play with the anticipated release of the new Mortal Kombat. BTW i play as Sub-Zero.

  • 1-16-11 Had a bonfire today and wat better way to have a bonfire than to have people inside playing dancing games.

  • 1-16-11 Had a bonfire today and wat better way to have a bonfire than to have people inside playing dancing games.