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Anime Reviews! (Part 1) UPDATE!


Giantbomb user TobbRobb has agreed to do a joint blog with me sometime next week on doing anime reviews! He too has been in a frenzy in watching anime for the past month, so he will be doing reviews along with me. I have decided to cut down my reviews for next week to two animes. I will be reviewing Tales from Earthsea, and Eden of the East along with its movies. User TobbRobb wishes to keep his reviews for next week as a surprise. Keep a lookout for us!

The Review Are In!

First of all, thank you all for the anime recommendations! As most of you all know, this was project for me to find an anime that I actually like, and the project has been wonderfully successful. My part of the Netflix queue was dwindling, so it was great to fill it back up again with my stuff! My dad’s historical documentaries literally took over the Netflix queue. I have been watching a lot of anime based on the recommendations thread, so here are my personal comments and reviews on three anime shows/movies that I watched! Ratings follow the traditional Giantbomb rating scale. I tried my best to keep everything short and sweet.

Howl’s Moving Castle

This Miyazaki film is the reason why I started on this little anime project. Howl’s Moving Castle was very mesmerizing, and I had a stunning and constant curiosity of what will happen next. Just the curiosity of what is on the other side of a magical door was thrilling. There wasn’t really anything disappointing in this anime, except that the ending could have been a little better and more planned out. The atmosphere, the story, the music, the characters… everything about this anime is just great and magical to me. Fuck Harry Potter and his magic words and other garbage, because this is there the real magical shit is at! (By the way, I hate Harry Potter) It is no wonder that Miyazaki is the Japanese Walt Disney that is STILL ALIVE! I look forward to seeing The Secret World of Arrietty over the Pixar movie, Brave, coming out this year. Though Miyazaki did not direct Arrietty, I am still looking forward to seeing it - That there says a lot, because I love Pixar animations. I also look forward to watching Miyazaki’s creations that I missed out on.

Anyways, this was a good starting point for me to find even greater anime. So, it is predictable that my first movie watched will get a good score.

Verdict: 4.5 / 5 - 90%

Full Metal Alchemist and Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood

I watched 2 1/3 episodes in total of Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood. After the first several minutes in watching the third episode, I just didn’t feel like could watch anymore beyond that point. However, someone mentioned to me to give it another try. So I started Fullmetal Alchemist, which is where I should have started with in the beginning. I watched the pilot, but unfortunately that was it. I have no desire to continue on with this series and giving it anymore chances. The few episodes that I watched could not get my attention, and first impressions on a show or movie is important to me. Full Metal Alchemist and Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood are just not for me.

Verdict: 1 / 5 - 20%

Lupin the Third: The Castle of Cagliostro

This movie was interesting from the moment it started. It had good action, rather unusual and strange story, and I had a since of curiosity of what would happen next. Without really spoiling too much of the movie, out of all the weddings I have ever seen in any movie, The Castle of Cagliostro had the strangest one I have ever seen. It was like the blue, blue, BLUE cult from Earthbound was there to witness the forced wedding.

Anyways, the movie was really unpredictable and very corny, and the strangeness of the direction and plot of this movie really didn’t really do anything for me. The twist ending was rather disappointing, but at least there is a chance to where we could see an improved Lupin the Third in the future. The Castle of Cagliostro may be a very quirky and strange movie; however it still was pretty good even if there is a lot to be desired.

Verdict: 3 / 5 - 60%

Tune in next week to see my reviews on: Tales from Earthsea, Eden of the East + The King of Eden + Paradise Lost, and Origin: Spirit of the Past.