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I have a brand new laptop with windows 8! I guess that I've now been upgraded! It's also cool to see that it has a touch screen.

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The Fartin' Library Man.

This is a true story, and it happened while I was on vacation:

It all began when I wanted to use my computer in the library because I couldn’t get internet at the campground where I stayed at on vacation. Well, the room I was in, a big room for study, was located near two study rooms, the librarians office, a private room for employees only, and two bathrooms. A big man, about 400 pounds, came into the room and I was sitting near the bathrooms in the big room. He would go into his usual corner, and sit by himself reading his newspaper with his big fat lip is sticking out like Jimmy Carters. He would walk around a little bit scratching himself and not caring who sees. Well, when he gets done doing his thing, he goes into the bathroom. Slams the doors behind him and locks it, as well as, slamming the toilet seat down that rumbles the floor. Then before you know it, he cuts a big fart that can be heard in the study rooms behind glass, the librarian’s room, and the room where I was at. He wasn’t done. He cut 3 more farts after that, and stays in the bathroom for 30 minutes, and then comes out like nothing happened. I tried my best not to laugh, and thank god I didn’t laugh when he came out.
The bad thing is, I went to the library the next day and saw him there. He did the same exact thing.

It goes to show you, don’t use the toilet after that guy. Public restrooms aren’t really worth going to in the first place. Lol. :P

I hate public restrooms, and thank god that I didn’t have to go those two days. I'm surprised that he didn't break the toilet. :D

The End.

Ending comment:

Anyone got anything to say about this situation, have a coinsidential situation perhaps, or got any questions? I'm around to read and answer. See you all later. 
New Comment: Too bad Pie wasn't there to smell the fart while the guy was using the toilet. :P


Back home again, and a story for the dogs.

It was a great vacation. I’m not going to name a specific location of where I went to, but I will say that we summer home or should I say camper. We have a very nice camper and boat, in fact, and it’s parked at a nice, clean campground with a pool located near a nice, vast lake. The whole family had a great time, and we all got to do what we wanted to do. We all got to ride a boat, swim, eat at 2 nice restaurants, I sold my clarinet to get Wii Sports Resort for the Wii, play some poker, shop a little, eat wonderful homemade breakfasts every day, see friends we haven’t seen in a while, and shop around a little! Even though it rained about every day, and I couldn't use the internet and had to go to the library, we managed to work around the rain. This is all part of a great week’s worth of relaxation and fun. :D

What’s really interesting about vacation is that you have to take the animals with you. In my case, I had to deal with a dog and an albino ferret. The ferret is no problem to travel with, but my dog Pandie don’t want to settle down.

Something unique happened on this vacation that really made it stand out from any other vacation. Of course, none of the two animals were hurt; it’s just that we brought home an extra. We adopted a Pug named Uno. He was neglected, was abused at one time with one of the owners, and he needed love. He belonged to a friend of ours originally and got the dog as a present, and we’ve seen the dog ever since he was a puppy. Anyways, the original owner let a family member have it because he didn’t want Uno anymore. The original owner took him back because he didn’t like the way his family member was mistreating the dog. The original owner liked the dog I believe, but he didn’t really have the time to deal with him because of work. He would just let him roam around outside.

We never really knew that there would come a time to where we would actually adopt him. Uno got considerably close to us during the week at the campground. It all started when we let him sleep on our porch because his cage outside was wet and slept under our camper one time when it was really stormy one night. The owner doesn’t have a porch, and doesn’t allow the dog in his camper. We started to pay attention to him, and welcome him to some food, and petted around on him! It took us a little bit to decide if we wanted to take him home with us or not, and of course we did. When we were packing and preparing to go home, Uno jumped in our truck and didn’t want to come out. He would literally hide underneath the back seat, and any corner to where we wouldn’t get him. He literally wanted to come with us. It was cool to see him wanting to come with us, and we were going to take him anyway, and the owner even helped pack the dogs stuff. If the dog stayed at the campground he would probably get ran over by a car.

He has a nasty little habit of chasing cars, and we are going to teach him to not chase them.  He has other little habits that we don’t want him to do like, run into the neighbor’s yard, bother Pandie, the ferret, and our bird. (Our bird is our oldest pet, 10 years old, that didn’t go on the vacation with us. He was taken care of while we were gone.) He also jumps up on the very top of the couch as well as trying to go underneath it, and he doesn’t watch out where he is going. He is actually blind in one eye, like me, so I forgive him for not watching out where he is going, but we’ll have to teach him to be more cautious! :P Our couch reclines, so we don’t want the metal to slice him up underneath the couch, we don’t want him to get stuck underneath the couch, lick or eat anything underneath the couch, or fall off the couch when he is on top. So it is going to take some time to adjust, But Uno is now ours and we will take care of him. I hope that he learns to adjust to our ways soon and teach him some new habits. He really does like us all though, so perhaps it won’t be too hard to train him.

Wow! I never knew I would write that much about a dog, but I guess it was meant for us to have him. I feel like that we are raising a farm now! 2 dogs, a bird, a ferret, and a few stray cats that live outside that never let us pet them!

Anyways, I had a great vacation, despite of the rain, and it’s nice to be back at home. It’s great to have internet again, and it feels great to be back on Giantbomb. Well this blog is long enough, and I’m tired today. I’m usually tired the day after I get back from vacations. See you all later, and I’ll see what everyone is up to later when I’m a little more rested.

Thanks for reading and if there are any questions, don’t hesitate to ask. I didn't take a lot of time editing this, but hopefully what I said made sense.



Vacation Update.

Vacation has been great so far! I got to ride a boat, swim, eat at a nice restraunt, and I sold my clarinet to get Wii Sports Resort for the Wii! It's a great game, and it is a lot of fun. What is even interesting about Wii Sports Resort is that it's great to play with the family. My parent's don't usually like video games, but there are exceptions including Wii Sports Resort. Wii Sports Resort brought our family together to enjoy a nice healthy competition expecially in archery, swords fighting, water sports, and air sports. I will review Wii Sports Resort when I return from my vacation.

The place where I'm at has no Wifi anymore, and everyone has to go to the library with their own computers and use their Wifi, which is free. I can't be too long writing this blog, but I wanted to let everyone know how it's going so far.

Well, if I don't get blown away from the bad storm that is supposed to come tonight in our area, I'll be able to be back in contact with you all when I get home Friday or Saturday. I hope that you all have had a nice summer as well. Thanks for reading, and I'll see you all later.

-Ty :D

Giantbomb IRC friends: I'll be back to torture all of you! ;)

Edit: Did I miss anything good lately?


Vacation time at last, and more.

Picture taken last year on vacation.
Picture taken last year on vacation.
I’ll be going on vacation starting July 25 (Tomorrow), and I’m just going to just chill out for once. The family will be packing today and cleaning the house, so I won't be online much today. I’m planning to ride on a boat, sell my clarinet, buy Wii Sports Resort or The Sims 3, play video games, and I’ll even bring my computer so I can still keep up with what is going on Giantbomb! So, I’m well overdue for a real vacation and I’m finally going to enjoy myself and what life has to offer. Being on a boat and exploring the coves on the water can make one feel so alive. :D I can’t wait.

I've been playing Mario Golf 64, Bust-A-Move Plus!, and Pikmin lately, and that will most likely change while I'm on vacation.

For the ones who do not know, I got some Hanafuda cards from Nintendo because I gathered 800 Nintendo coins. The artwork is on the cards are really nice with a few tweaks in the pictures. Most of the cards pretty much have Mario characters on them. :P Also, since I have reached the Club Nintendo Platinum stasis, I chose to get the life-like Mario Hat. The other choice for Platinum was a Punch Out game that can be for download on Wii. I chose the hat because it would last longer than the game.

Well, that is all I have to say for now, and I wanted to keep it short. Thanks for reading, and until next time.


P.S: Pie, you're delicious! SuperMooseman, please make me your sidekick. MattBodega, what on earth are you doing? You haven't got to my message yet. :P Red12b, Hang in there. :D


18 More Songs that I Listen To.

Well, it’s another music blog from me. :P This time, there are no video game soundtracks.  These are just songs that I listen to on a regular basis.  A lot of these songs are highly uncommon and unusual, so give these songs a try! Here is the last blog that I have posted regarding normal, in other words non-video game related, songs that I like to listen to.

There are different genres of music in this bunch of 18 songs, so don’t judge by just one song. ;) *EDIT: Recommendations are welcome. ;)

1. Tower of Light – David Arkenstone

2. Orinoco Flow – Enya

3. We Are Free Now from Gladiator – Lisa Gerrard

4. She Moved Through the Fair – Loreena McKennitt

5. Blurry – Puddle of Mudd

6. Crossing Rivers – Jonathan Elias

7. Lift the Wings from Riverdance

8. Private Dancer from Big Momma’s House 2 – Rhymefest

9. Walk the Dinosaur from Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaurs - Queen Latifah :D This is new and good!

10. If Today Was Your Last Day- Nickelback

11. With Arms Wide Open- Creed

12. Sh-Boom- Crew Cuts

13. To the One Who Knows- Yanni  

14. Unbelievable- EMF

15. Only Time- Enya

16. Granuaile's Dance- Celtic Woman

17. I’ll Be- Reba McEntire

18. Special- Garbage Quite a video!

Well, hopefully there was something that ya'll like in this bunch of songs. Well, that's all I want to share for now. See you all later.



I’m so sick of the fanboy selfishness!

Before I start with my very first rant and complaint, I’m going to announce something good!  I finally hit the 1000 Wiki points!  And surprisingly, I gained 1,664 extra points on top of that in one day!! I’ve been busting my bubbles to find content that I can write about and edit, and I came up with Bust-A-Move Plus! (Puzzle Bobble Wii! known in other areas), and Bust-A-Move 2: Arcade Edition that needed some work done to it.  I did an entire character section on Oddworld Munch’s Oddysee!  I provided links, pictures, and I spruced it up a little bit!  The content that was already there was left alone, so all I did is add to it!  I hope that they all look good, because I spent a long time doing those edits. They probably need more work done to them, but at least I have offered my part.  :D  Things do happen for the unfortunate!

Well, I have finally lost my mind and flipped my wig towards something! It’s really interesting on what you read nowadays on different sites about different systems and different games, but the one thing that seems to just make me sick is the fanboy selfishness. Fanboy selfishness is what I would define as saying that a system is better than another. It’s also saying that a game is better or would be better on another system. Honestly, does any of this matter? Not to me.

There is no problem with being a fanboy, but it’s often abused by the selfishness of what I speak of.  I’m a Nintendo fanboy, and I love the systems that I bought from the company over the years. I grew up playing Nintendo, and it’s what I stuck with because they respectfully gained my trust of producing games that are of my taste. I’m sure that the XBOX360, PC (for what games it plays, not alltogether because there is more to a PC), Wii, Playstation 3 is all great systems, and they respectfully gain approval from their customers.  All are successful companies, and all their systems have their good and bad games and qualities. However, I stick with Nintendo because they offer the games I like.  The PC, XBOX360, and Playstation 3 do not offer what I look for, so I take no interest. *Note that I did not put the 3 systems down in any way, and I logically explained why I take no interest in them.

Here is another example, I don’t like XBOX because there are not enough games to keep me entertained and interested. All I did there is say my opinion on why I don’t like the XBOX, I didn’t put it down, and I provided a logical explanation why I don’t like it. What I mean by putting it down is like saying, XBOX is the worst system ever made, it’s a waste of money, and Microsoft was out of their mind on making it. I don’t agree with this statement, of course, because it’s illogical and it can’t be proven that it’s the worst system ever made, if it’s a waste of money, or if Microsoft is out of their mind on making it.  If you don’t like something, provide a logical explanation on why you don’t like it, and make sure to provide a fact or statement is proved.

It’s ok though to express interests or opinions on what you like and don’t like, but it’s not right putting down something because of something you don’t like and illogically explaining the reason why.  Plus, some may never know because they never tried other things.  The reason why we have game reviews is to express what we like and dislike about a game and rationally explaining why you like or dislike the game.  Game reviews are great to have around because they are an example of a healthy competition between games on a system.  You can share what you like and dislikes compared to other games, and do it reasonably.

Saying that a game is going to be better on another system because of something like controls, graphics, or gameplay is something that I would consider selfish.  Take for example, Sonic Unleashed is a game that is released on all platforms, and let’s say for example that the Playstation 3 version is better than the Wii version. Wouldn’t that example be a selfish statement? Yes it would because it’s indicating that one is better than the other, it’s not a logical explanation, and it’s just the same game but on different systems.  It truthfully doesn’t matter what Sonic Unleashed is on because it’s still the same game, and it can be enjoyed in different ways by different gamers.

My philosophy is that there are good and bad qualities on games and systems.  Nothing is perfect!  Even though I write blogs and other things about Nintendo, in several blogs I try to mention things outside of Nintendo, and I hope that has shown.  What I know is mostly Nintendo, and I really do try to step out of that wall and check out what the other systems have to offer.  People often talk to me about games like Oblivion, InFAMOUS, Braid and many other games, and I welcome and give them the freedom to talk about the games to me, even if it’s not what I’m into. Even if, for example, Braid is not a game that I wouldn’t really want to play, I don’t mind one talking about it, and I would listen.

What I have said in this blog may not be perfect. If I accidently said something that is selfish, I do apologize. We’ve all at one time or another might have said something that may be selfish regarding the gaming, console war, but it is up to all of us to make the effort and keep it under control. Please do keep in mind that I mean no harm, and I’m wrote this blog for a good purpose to end the fanboyism war, or at least keep the fanboyism war dimmed and clean.

All games and systems may not be created equal, but it is with what I like to call courtesy is what helps everyone get along. I am not a fan of the Olympics too much, but what always amazed me is that all these countries set their differences aside and had a healthy competition. The fanboyism should be treated in the way of what has been done in the Olympics.  The two previous sentences explain on what I mean by that special type of courtesy.  Why let something like games and consoles get in the way of friendships or possible friendships?  We are all gamers and gamers alike with different tastes in games.  Be thankful for what you get and what is offered through the different services.

So now, my rant is over, my blood pressure is up, and I’m waaay too happy and hyper, so have a nice day everyone. The funny thing is, I've not done anything to make me this happy and hyper!  But Hopefully, I said something worthwhile to help battle this fanboyism war, and hope what all I said made sense.




Was it destined for me to get this game?

It is amazing what you can get at yard sales.  There are some people that act too good for yard sales, but I’m here to say that yard-sales are for everyone!  I love to yard sale because anyone can get some real bargains in good condition!

Well, the game I got for quite a bargain today at a yard sale, for only $3, was The Legend of Zelda: Collector’s Edition Promotional Disk that includes 4 classic games!  The four Zelda games that are on the disc include: The Legend of Zelda, Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, and The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask.  What’s really ironic is that I had the book to the game already, and got it for $5 at another yard sale while back for just The Ocarina of Time for the 64 because I was stuck at the Forest Temple.  What’s even more ironic is that I needed a memory card for my GameCube because I lost my main memory card that held all my data, and I got the card to replace my lost memory card about 2 weeks ago.  I bought the GameCube memory card used from a store similar to GameStop, and there was data on the memory card where the previous owner didn’t erase it.  The previous owner of that memory card had the game data from the game I just got at the yard sale, and then some!  So it was like I was destined to have that game with the book and the data included!

To make this clear, I got the book first to use only for Ocarina of Time a couple of years ago.  Then I got a memory card to hold my game data about 2 weeks ago (now I can finally play Pikmin!).  Finally, I got the game today!

No Caption Provided
What’s really interesting is that I know that the game and book that I got at the yard sale is worth more than what I paid for it.  I’m thinking about keeping both even though I got the Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask already, then again I could sell it for a profit if I wanted to!  So, yard sales are good and fun to go to and anyone can find a bargain!  I sure did find a few good bargains, and the game and book was definitely a find. 

Edit: Question - Do you think I should sell or keep the game?

Well, if you would like to share your comments, questions, or yard sale experiences, I’m around! Thanks for reading, and until next time.



Poetry with Tireyo643

Ok, so I like to write poetry sometimes.  Here are some works of mine that I kept through the years that I have written.  Nothing is plagiarized in these poems, and everything is purely in my own wording.  Some tell me that I should enter a poetry contest, but I really never bothered because I think that my poetry is really not all that good, but at least I try.  So, here are two works of mine titled A Rainy Spring’s Day and The Memoirs of the Stars.

A Rainy Spring’s Day

by Tireyo643

All the snow has been gone

And all the flowers are in bloom.

A whole new beginning of life

Will all come alive very soon.

A whole new season

Has brought us change.

The growing rains

Across the range.

After all the death has passed

A new life opens

All through the trees

All through the wide open oceans.

We all love

The bright and sunny days,

But life starts

On a rainy springs day.

The Memoirs of the Stars

By Tireyo643

The stars near and above

Tell a story untold.

Many hold mysteries.

How do they unfold?

Trace the stars,

Count with me,

Look above and see

What has come to be.

Numerous stars

All small and bright

In the hours of darkness

They are the keys of light.

Through time and space,

In the world unknown,

Are there stars

That are not shown?

The nearest star

That gives us day,

Do we know how long

That star will stay?

The star of the day,

And those of the night

Will not stay forever.

Will there be a light?

Other stars, other worlds

Far from where we lie,

Are they given a chance

To either live or die?

Will our dyeing world

Be able to see

The stars in rage

That will come to be?

The stars near and above

Tell a story untold.

Many hold mysteries.

Will they unfold?

Ok, so now you all know that I suck at writing poetry.  If ya’ll got any comments or questions towards my useless poetic writings, I’m around.  Feel free to share some of your poetic creations if you want to. See you all later and hopefully you’re not as bored as I am.



Goodbye everyone

Goodbye everyone on Gamespot that is!  I am not leaving Giantbomb because I like it here! :D  Well, this was the blog that I posted on my profile as a final word to the friends that I’ve made on that site, and I hope that there won’t ever be a time to where I have to write a goodbye blog to Giantbomb.  Anyways, here is what I posted.

It’s all been great here on Gamespot, and I’ll never forget how much I loved contributing my thoughts, opinions, interests, and the countless hours of enjoyment I’ve had writing blogs.  It has come time for me to go for I don’t have much of a will to stay.  It’s hard to keep up with so many things at once, and it’s time for me to just say goodbye to Gamespot.  Contact has become so limited between all of us, and I doubt that really anyone cares to check up on me anymore.  All is not lost though, because I have found a new community gaming site home on Giantbomb where I believe I have made good friends like I have done here, which has been a small while.

 I will miss you all here on Gamespot.  Especially DMLSLAT AKA: Danny Rice, Key_Blade150 AKA: Jack, AweWiiGamer1, KingGamer, Desulated, and SomeOddGuy.  You all are awesome, and I wish for you all to see the awesomeness of Giantbomb where I might have a chance to see you all again, and continue to read all your amazing blog posts.  So, I say good bye to all the Gamespot friends I’ve made this year, and it’s time for me to move on.  God bless you all and goodbye.

Here is my last favorite videogame song from the Zone of Enders that I like because of its poetic beauty.

Flowing Destiny from the game Zone of Enders

 It wakes me up to find

A flowing destiny
It wakes me up to find

Your shining eyes in pleasure
The treasure on my mind

A flowing destiny
It wakes me up to find
I never lose your memories
I never lose your memories

-Thank you all for reading my blogs at one time or another and sharing your contributions.  Until another day my dear friends. 

Nothing is ever too late,

Tireyo643 (Ty)

Here is a link to the Gamespot profile

If you got any thoughts towards this, please share what you need to say.  Thanks for reading and until next time!



Virtual Console games that need multi-player or online support.

Here are my 5 Virtual Console titles that desperately need online support and/or multi-player.  It’s great that all the games are in their original format, but there are a few games that I would love to see have multi-player and online support.

5. I’m so torn on what to choose as my number 5, so I’m going to have several ties. 

*Super Mario RPG needs multi-player and online support. Super Mario RPG would probably be my number four or five, but I think that having online support would make it too simple and multi-player wouldn't really be soo bad, but some may find multi-player for this game annoying. 

*Sonic the Hedgehog needs online support.  Sonic the Hedgehog would be ok to play online, but not the greatest choice for online support so it's at number 5 as well. It would be similar to the Donkey Kong Country situation.

*Donkey Kong Country 1,2, and 3 is a good little series of Rare trade mark masterpieces.  You can play up to 2 players, but of course there is no online support.  Exchanging friend codes with a friend is pretty much is the main thing that needs to happen.

*F-Zero X needs online support.  I'm also not trying ro over-crowd the list with racing games, so that's why F-Zero X is at number 5. 

*Starfox 64 needs online support. There are some things that Starfox 64 lacks that wouldn't really make it the best choice for online support because there is no variety to make online too enjoyable.

4. Mario Golf 64 is my number FORE!!!  It would be great to see tournament rankings compared to others around the world, and it would be even better to play online! The game would really be more interesting and vicious if online support came into the picture!  So this game truely deserves to be my number four on mostly needing online support.

3.  Mario Kart 64 takes the number 3 spot as a deserving candidate of needing online support.  Countless hours can be spent on this game, especially battle mode.  It may play up to four players on one console, but it would be better to race online too.  I guess we’ll have to just settle with Mario Kart Wii!

2. F-Zero for the SNES is a game that needs both multi-player and online support.  It sucks that you can’t even race against your friends much less is there online support. So this is worthy of being number one for needing both multi-player and online support the most, but number two on my list of games that need online and/or multi-player the most.

1. Secret of Mana is a great game to play, and quite a legendary RPG.  However, it gets really hard at times.  Although you can use and play up to three players, it really needs online support.  If you are stuck on something, then it would be great to get help from a friend online instead of you going at it alone.  Yeah, you can get friends or relatives to help you if you’re using one console, but it would be better if there was online support if those friends and relatives can’t go to your house.  Exchange friend codes or something!  So this game respectfully deserves the number one spot.

By the way, I would like to congratulate Pie on his attempt to annoy me.  He just can’t really do that no matter how hard he tries. :D licks Pie.

Ok, that’s enough, I guess, for now.  If you want to contribute to the list with some of your own ideas, I would love to see them.  :D  I might of forgot about a game!  Well, I'll be going.  See you all later!

-Ty (AKA: Mork on the IRC)

*I might add pictures soon. I haven't uploaded any of the game pictures yet.