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Games I've Ever Owned (Work In Progress)

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  • A 1st game for many.

  • My 1st puzzle game... it was the game to addict my mom to video games.. puzzle ones that is.

  • I used to use the NES Advantage controller while playing this game, and it had a "slow" button you could put on where it would just pause and unpause the game superfast, that was the only way I used to play it, it was kind of cheating, but it was the only way I could get past about the 3rd level of this game when you had to take on the huge bomber... I remember doing that for hours though, and getting really far. My first overhead shooter and I loved it.

  • Mom's 2nd addiction.

  • A staple. I played it a lot, like most people did. I don't even know what to say about Zelda that hasn't been said before, or would personalize my experience...

  • I remember playing this at someone's house and being like, I must own this. A great game with a kung-fu like section to get an item to open a door then you get a fighting game like section where you could dodge attacks and attack with one-button/directional pad movements, I loved the crap out of this game!

  • I think I owned this... there were so many games through the years and I rented so many games repeatedly that I'm not sure if I actually owned some of them or just rented them so much that it seemed like I owned them! :)

  • My 1st RPG! Not most peoples 1st. I remember it was the 1st one I played. I then learned of Dragon Warrior from the downstairs neighbor and wanted to own it. I remember playing a bit of Dragon Warrior here and there from him when I was a kid. But as for this game, I remember oddly enough even with the strategy guide, getting almost no where. But definitely a milestone for my developing mind.

  • This was one of the few games dad played. This and Tetris were the main games I remember him actually playing when I was a kid.

  • Who didn't love Double Dragon!? Awesome music, kicking dudes asses, throwing chicks into pits that went who knows where. Ah what fondness.

  • I remember this being the 1st game I ever found an exploit in where you could keep doing something to raise your score. I remember getting a huge score and taking a picture of the screen so I could send it in to Nintendo Power... I don't think I ever did get published... bummer. But I do remember feeling like a champion for figuring out something I thought was special at the time!

  • I remember buying this game after playing the arcade version. This was my 1st realization that the at home graphics weren't as good as the in the arcade graphics and being kind of disappointed. It was still a good game though, and friends and I played it up until probably the time I was in high school and maybe even after!

  • I remember hunting this game down with such a fiendishness. Being able to buy books that made you do super-fast triple punches and kicks. I loved the hell out of this game, and so must have lots seeing as how they've made versions of it up until the gameboy advance era and then used it as inspiration in games still today.

  • Ah, many peoples first SNES game. I remember I had a turbografx-16 at the time and I traded it and the few games I had in plus one of my 2 NES advantage controllers and various other odds and ends to get a hold of my 1st super nintendo.

  • I remember owning this game because I thought the jet back parts were fun as hell. I played it from a rented game when a friend and I used to rent an SNES for the weekend and play games before we were able to own one of our own. It is probably still pretty hard to this day. I remember having lots of fun seeing how high I could get the jet pack to go then letting it crash to the ground and watch the boom and the dude become roasted and all blackened.

  • Oh yes still in my opinion the penultimate final fantasy. Of course in my day it was called Final Fantasy III. I was picked on relentlessly growing up, especially in middle school, and I hated it so much, I would go to the office in middle school and call my mom at work and tell her I didn't feel good, and have her come pick me up and take me home, then I would sit on the foot of my bed and play this game over and over again. I've played it on the GBA version, and I wish it was remade on the PSP instead of FF IV, but oh well, probably for the better that I don't spend money on this damn game even more times.

  • I had the SNES version of this game. I don't remember where I first played it, but I had to own it after I did. Fucking awesome cutscenes, I used to watch that dude get shot in the back by the sniper over and over again, it was sweet! It was the prince of persia taken to the next level for me. I remember it had a lot of neat little subtleties for the day that really made the game for me like the ejected cartridges when you fired. fucking fantastic.

  • I think this was my only game made by "Rare". I played a bunch of it when I 1st moved back to spokane. I remember we were staying at the Apple Tree Inn while we were looking for a place to live in and so I had my old tv and my super nes and I sat in the hotel playing it and ogre battle until we found a house to rent. It was fun and had really cool graphics for the time. I also remember trying to find all the secrets.

  • We got the Lion King as an x-mas gift and I used to beat it pretty easily. My sister used to always be like "Jason, come beat this part for me" haha... it had some hard parts, and I remember raging like a mother fucker... man, raging at a disney game, haha.

  • I remember thinking this game had the coolest fights with random enemies ever! The graphics were great, and the gameplay was cool. This game was hard as fuck I think, or it required a lot of a grind at some points. I never beat this game it was too hard, and this was in the day before gamefaqs. I remember seeing a thing in a magazine for the 7th saga 2 and I never did get to play one, it never came out here and the last time I checked on a us version of a rom it wasn't finished. Maybe one day... but probably not.

  • Why do these pics only show the genesis versions, wtf! Talk about a game I thought was fucking hilarious when I was younger. Who can't love it still to this day!? and it was quotable. I remember being sold on this game after playing the 1st level and being able to whip my entire body and use it as a weapon and then to drive the point home when you drop the fridge and launch the cow in the 1st level... I was beyond sold! (Still own it)

  • How do you take a game like earthworm jim and make it better? up the ante baby. In one of my favorite levels "puppy love" you have a giant marshmallow and you are trying to use it to bounce puppies to safety all to the song of "Funiculi Funicula".... Fucking Genious! Then we have a level called "Villi People" where you are in the intestines of something (where the villi are) and the entire level is set to Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata... you can't beat this shit! My sister and I would laugh for hours at this game. (Still own it)

  • Is there anything you even need to say about Super Metroid? Who didn't love this game? Well I fucking loved it. Great graphics, great items and gameplay. Man, it seems harder to come up with interesting things to say about the SNES games over the NES games. which is odd, because each really had a large influence on me and my growing up.

  • This was one of the last SNES games I ever got. I remember thinking it was crazy that I had to pay like $45 dollars for a game, and this was back in the SNES days... I've heard of people talking about how some games cost like $50-$65 back then, I never remember that... but then I don't think I ever got any games new, I always got them used... probably because we were poor. haha. As for the game, I remember it being awesome, and I think it was the 1st game I remember that had true multiple endings. FF (VI) had multiple endings sort of depending on what characters you had, but this was the 1st game that had a true set of multiple endings to me. I was an idiot to have sold my SNES and all of my games to someone I worked with. I thought I'd probably never get around to playing the SNES ever again... of course I was a fool and ended up buying back a bunch of the games I sold, and another SNES and regretted it, but oh well...

  • There's an RPG game where you can turn into a dragon!? I'm fucking there. As a kid, all the usual shit was cool as hell, ninja's, martial arts, magic and dragons. I remember oddly enough, my dad even used to play this for quite some time. I think this was the game my dad got the furthest in ever. And certainly the only one besides puzzle game he committed to, at least that I can think of now, I may be wrong or change that statement later as I add to this list. But regardless a great game and one of my steps on a long RPG road.

  • A fantastic follow up to a fantastic original. I didn't know this would become a franchise. I remember liking the way they had changed and updated the battles. As I think of the graphics of this game it seems that as I make this list I remember a lot of neat subtleties in these games and I wonder if the limitations of the technology and graphics made some sort of need for putting in these subtleties or if I just think of it more... (Still own it)

  • I think this is my all-time favorite zelda game. The 1st ones were great and a good start to my gaming career, as for the later ones I never got into them or didn't take the time to play them because there was other stuff I was more interested in playing, although from what I understand from others review of them the probably wouldn't have one over my #1 position anyways. So here it is. (man I realize these descriptions are way more boring. I can't think of much interesting ways to personalize my SNES experiences). (Still own it)

  • I played the shit out of this game. I must have rented it like 20 times before I finally bought a copy. I still own it to this day. It had some neat little hidden stuff, and I loved the fact that you were flying an apache helicopter, probably still my favorite helicopter! Also I remember discovering this cute secret where you find this pilot next to a crashed F-15 and you save him then I used to like to shoot and blow everything up so I blew up his fighter jet and it gives you a bonus for blowing it up so that the enemy doesn't get the technology and I remember being like "fucking sweet!" I just got rewarded for blowing up shit and didn't even know it, even blowing up my own countries stuff. haha. (Still own it)

  • I also still own this one to this day. Not as good in my opinion as the original, but still a fun and solid game. It introduced some other fun vehicles, like a hovercraft. Who doesn't think that sounds fun?! One in a number of "strike" games that I don't think ever lived up to their beginnings. (Still own it)

  • I thoroughly enjoyed playing the redone versions of these games. I think this must have been the 1st stop in nintendo's repackage and re-sell its customers their nostalgia... hmm... well shit, I guess they are still doing that, and they'll be doing that until the end of time. I guess it was interesting to be around when the 1st came up with the idea... and shit, I got suckered in. Well, lucky for me it was pretty much the 1st and only time. But then again, other companies have gotten me with it too... I guess it is a trend... there should be a name for it and a category on the Giant Bomb website for this concept.

  • I always wanted to own the original Mike Tyson's Punch-Out, but never did. I played it a bunch and thought it was great. Odd side story, I remember one of the 1st babysitters I had as a kid had a nintendo and used to let me play it, and I remember getting mad at the game as a kid and slamming the nes controller into the edge of their coffee table repeatedly. I never thought about that much as a kid, and the babysitter told my parents they couldn't watch me anymore because I was too destructive. That was the 1st I ever remember being told/shown evidence that I had temper issues. They showed us the coffee table and it had knicks and gouges in it. I remember being very embarrassed and sort of depressed about it. I guess that game was hard for me. As for the sequel, well I did get to own it. It was a great update on the original and had all the notable characters. I myself have still never beaten it, but watching people's time trials online is great. Maybe one day I'll try to replicate some of them. I remember liking to fight Dragon Chan and beating the crap out of the bruce lee wanna be cheater who would kick you in a boxing game. Not to mention that funny looking old dude who would beat your ass with his cane. Dirty cheating bastards... I still haven't worked out those anger issues. (Still own it)

  • If you asked my what my favorite Mega Man games where, I'd tell you Mega Man 2, Mega Man 3 and Mega Man X. You could more or less climb walls by popping off them and you could slide down them, you had cool ass powerups and great bosses and powers, everything you'd expect from a Mega Man game. I never was able to get the cheat to work where you could get the Hadoken, no matter how many times I tried it, it never worked, I must have been missing something. But the fact that it was in the game was made it even cooler! And then you get to the last boss and he comes at you with a fucking light saber, wtf!? damn this game was cool when I was younger... not that it still isn't. (Still own it)

  • I remember being so amazed that they were able to get away with what they could with the 1st Mortal Kombat. I remember being a frequenter of the arcades, and someone telling me about this game where you could pull a dudes head off and rip his spine out and being like, man people tell the most bullshit stories. Then my arcade got a copy of MK I and I was like holy fucking shit they weren't lying to me. I remember the fun of that word of mouth and learning fatalities here and there from people who knew them and learning over this long period of time. It is kind of an odd thing that can't exist any more. And how did you top a game like MK I, well you release MK II and you go hog wild. Multiple fatalities, friendships and babalities, are you shitting me!? This isn't even where the crazy rumor mill started, this was just the 1st of many stops in the manifestation of rumormill turning into actuality in the arcade world. I love the mythology that the MK series has inspired and everything that it has incorporated over the years. It is some guys that are truly having fun with what they do, and I remember thinking when I 1st saw the MK games as a kid that this was the kind of shit I would have made if I was able to make games. So I was glad that I wasn't alone. I'm still kind of a sucker/fanboy for the MK series. I'd say it is like a guilty pleasure, but there really is no guilt associated with it, they are great games and can easily be defended. (Still own it)

  • This is still one of the few "sports" games I've ever played let alone played and liked! I've never been much for sports games but the earlier the game the more willing I was to like it. The 1st sports games I liked were the likes of "Blades of Steel" and "Double Dribble" and then they moved on to this kinda thing with stuff like "Arch Rivals" and NBA Jam. I also thought the secret character roster was nuts. I always wanted to know how you could break the backboard it was always too random for me, I wanted a secret that would ensure I'd break that fucker! But I still don't know if there is one. (Still own it)

  • Mario gets his own RPG! And not only that, but its fucking great! Probably because Squeenix had a hand in it but maybe not. I remember thinking it was funny that they had those like power ranger rip off characters. lots of fun stuff in this game, it wasn't until I was an older lad working at a Babbage's that I got to own a copy of this more highly sought after game. (Still own it)

  • I always saw this game and thought it looked neat. Never played it until I was an adult, and even then I don't think I've played this game for more than about 10-20 minutes. I remember it looking cool when I was younger, and wanting to play it, and now I have, and what I have played of it is fun, but I've sadly just never taken the time to sit down and give it some quality time. But I'm told it's good stuff! :) (Still own it)

  • Much like sports games, I've never really been too much of one for "racing" games either. Now when you tell me there is a game where you are racing unicycles and doing tricks, I go what the fuck!? After seeing this in a nintendo power I remember it catching my attention just at the shear oddity of the concept and the newness of the idea. It was like something I'd never seen or heard of before, and I guess the developers did their job because I rented this just out of shear curiosity at the strangeness of the game, turns out it was a great choice because the game was fun as fuck! It was all around solid. I think I last time I played it I was infinitely more terrible at it than I was when I was a youth... but oh well. (Still own it)

  • I'm adding this one to the list, even though I'm not exactly 100% on if I owned it or not, I'm pretty certain I did before I sold my 1st SNES, but I guess I could be wrong... the memory seems to get spotty as you get older. Either way, a decent racing game with probably the best music. I remember the music as very standing out in the day, and even enjoy the Minibosses version of Big Blue! So I guess they like the music too. And with that comes the end of the Super Nintendo era for me. Hopefully my other entries will be more exciting. They seem to be hit or miss... I guess it depends on what I have to say about what I remember about the game, or what it makes me think of at the time.

  • This was 1 of only 2 game I ever owned for the original gameboy when I had it. I had this and tetris, of course this was my introduction to the godliness that is Kirby, and I've been a fan ever since. Of course this was stolen from me by some kid that I only knew briefly, who claimed it was "left in his dad's truck" and I never saw it again. The only other game I ever owned for the GB was tetris, which was what my sister and I entertained ourselves with in the boring 3-6 hour car rides to grandma's house.

  • This was the only game I owned for my super short time owning a game gear. I got this game, beat it and after that I graded the gamegear with my turbographx 16 for my beloved SNES. This game wasn't really very good, but it was entertaining enough for the short time I had it. The artwork was awesome though.

  • I owned a Turbo Grafx 16 for a very short period of time. I remember owning this game, but I don't think I ever actually played it, I just thought the art on the cover was cool and would draw copies of it several times.

  • The pack in game. I had this of course even though I bought my system from someone else and not new. It was a decent enough game, but I don't think I had the system long enough to play any of the games I owned for an extended period of time.

  • Now this was the fucking game! This was the best game I owned for the system, I remember it being a great overhead shooter the likes of Raiden in the arcade. I think it was really the only thing worth owning on the TG16 that I had played, or at least the only game I probably would have paid money for. I owned about 5-7 games but these are honestly the only 3 I can remember for sure. I remember there being a game that I had that I thought was megaman for TG16 but was called Rockman, but I couldn't find it in the database, and so perhaps it was Shockman, but looking at the levels it doesn't seem familiar. There was a waterfall and rock level that was like early in the game but my old brain can't remember that far back to recall for sure what it was and just looking through the list of games for the system on here didn't have anything jump out at me as remembering that it was owned.