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My Thoughts: Videogame Releases - March 2013

So today is the first day of March 2013, and there are a ton of videogames coming out this month. I have most of these games pre-ordered and can’t wait to play them.

Here’s the list:

Major League Baseball 2K13 – March 5

MLB 13 The Show — March 5

Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 – March 5

Tomb Raider – March 5

SimCity – March 5

Castlevania Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate — March 5

God of War: Ascension — March 12

StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm – March 12

Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 – March 12

Gears of War: Judgment – March 19

Army of Two: The Devil’s Cartel – March 26

BioShock Infinite – March 26

The first game I’m getting on the list is Tomb Raider. I have pre-ordered the collectors edition and am very excited about playing this game. I’ve always enjoyed the Tomb Raider series and with the embargo for review being 8 days before release I had time to read some of the reviews and they are all promising.

SimCity looks like a fun game but I don’t think I will be picking it up right away.

My PS3’s Blu-Ray disk reader is broken and im unable to play God of War but if my PS3 currently worked or if it is a day one download in the PS Store, I’ll pick it up.

Gears of War Judgement! Now it’s no secret that I’m a “GearHead” or whatever you want to call hardcore Gears of War players. Unlink most of my friends and other Gears who think this new game looks horrible and will ruin Gears forever, I think differently. The new improvements and changes may make the multiplayer more exciting. Gears of War for the most part has been the same online since Gears 1. That’s not a bad thing, but a little change could be nice. If I does however turn out to be a bad experience, I can always pop in Gears 3, which i’m still working on Seriously 3.o…

Now this next game I just had to get. Army of Two the Devil’s Cartel. I love the AoT games. They may not have been perfect but I have some of the best memories with them and my friends I played them with. I recommend you get this game at some point and make a good friend get it too and just mess around in the co-op. You’ll have a great or similar horrible time that you wont forget. Sure to make lasting memories.

And finally BioShock Infinite. This game needs no explanation.

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Valentines Day for Gamers

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Today is Valentines Day, so what does that mean for us gamers?

Let's start with the word Love. Noun; an intense feeling of deep affection. Verb; feel a deep romantic or sexual attachment to (someone). Someone? Why not something? Today is a great day for gamers of all shapes and sizes. Single or in a relationship. What's that little Timmy? You're short, fat and single? Here's a videogame and some chocolates! When I was a little kid my Dad would get me a videogame instead of chocolates like my Mom on valentines day. What an awesome thing. A videogame to show someone you love them. Sounds great to me. I love videogames. Wait a minute I thought we said I couldn't love something only someone? A videogame is a thing right?

I'm sure we all have seen the movie or read the book (yes there was a book) Fight Club! But do you remember In Fight Club the character Tyler Durden talking about how the things we own, end up owning us? It's true isn't it? We take care of the things we own and care about them like they are controlling us. Like videogames. We keep our favorite games protected. Not letting a friend borrow it, not knowing if he will leave fingerprints or scratches. (unless you own it on steam, then its pretty safe. But for dramatic effect lets say all games are discs for now.) We play this game over and over and tell all our friends about it. We get hurt if they say something bad about it. Even tho we have nothing to do with the game or its development. There is that deep affection. We care about that game soo much. We love it.

Last year with a full-time job, living with my girlfriend (she plays videogames, score!) and other adult priorities, I became distant to my games. I found less time for them. That love faded. I got older. (have some grey hair to prove it) Every gamer ever, has this attachment to videogames. That love. It's not like loving someone, It's truly something different. I have had many talks over the years among both my male and female friend gamers about would you rather give up videogames or sex. Now most of us would say sex, can't live without games. And I agree. Now im not saying I would give up a girl for games. I much rather be in a relationship with a girl then a videogame. But I could live without sex. What about you?

I love videogames. I love them a lot. Today is about love (and people selling you stuff to make tons of money) We all have our favorite game. That one close to our hearts. Grab it right now (after you finish reading this) and play it. Remember why you love to play games, why you started, your favorite moment, your first time. (creepy winky face) I know I will be playing one of the games I love today. (I will not tell you) And then later I will go out on a date with a beautiful woman. (the previously mentioned girlfriend did not work out. sadface) I will give her flowers, chocolates and a nice time out. Only I and well all you reading this, will know that I love something else.