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Average score of 4 user reviews

Resident Evil Remake: Hungry for More 0

Resident Evil is one of the most frequently cited franchises during discussions of survival horror. Its incredibly consistent catalog – outside of a few outliers – has been more action-oriented as of late, but its roots lie in the slow-paced, methodical confines of a mansion. In 2002, a remake was released for the Gamecube, and – even more recently – an up-res of this remake was confirmed. In light of this announcement, it seems prudent to take a look at how the Gamecube ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Resident Evil 6: Almost Good 0

Resident Evil 6 is a really mixed bag.Not to bleed my hand here, but this is – ultimately – not a very good game. In fact, I’d even go so far as to call it bad. However, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t truly interesting – and, dare I say, innovative – aspects within the overall experience.Let’s start with the movement. For a series that has so unabashedly restricted player movement while aiming, the mobility Resident Evil 6 affords the player i...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Arkham Knight: Beauty in Motion 0

I cannot put this game down. The story brings a satisfying conclusion to the Rocksteady trilogy, and also manages to nail Batman as video game narrative. Additionally, the basic act of playing is so invigorating that even moving around is fun. Cathartic, even. What Rocksteady has done with the Arkham franchise is nothing short of impressive - breathed life into licensed games, showed how a superhero game could be done right, etc. - and lightning has just struck a third time. Arkham Knight is eas...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory (HD Remake) 0

Hey here’s that Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory review in 2015 that everybody’s been clamoring for.You are Sam Fisher, voiced by the honey-whiskey-and-nails vocal chords resting within Michael Ironside’s talented throat. As part of the super-duper-secret intelligence organization, Third Echelon, you are sent out on sensitive missions to sneak behind and around many men in camo army fatigues, complete your objective, and scoot out as though you were never there to begin with. Ideall...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.