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Top Ten Things I'm Looking Forward To From E3!

E3 (as always) proved to be a tumultuous week full of hardware and game announcements, news and an EPIC amount of podcasts! So I though I'd just take the time to list the 10 things from the Electronic Three that I am most looking forward to coming out!

List items

  • Ok, technically not a "game" but goddamnit it looks impressive! Looking forward to investing in a handheld after so long!

  • More MVC? Hell yeah!

  • Finally, they've decided to modernise the game! And it looks amazing!

  • Loved the first one, looking forward to playing co-op!

  • Haven't played a decent NFS game in a while, Most Wanted is still my favourite one! This one looks promising!

  • Never played the original games, so now's with updated graphics, it's the perfect time to give em a go!

  • Finally, a competent dance game that actually properly emulates dancing in real life! (Just need to buy a 360 Kinect)

  • So many improvements made: vocal harmonies, MIDI keyboard support and a new "pro" mode! Just hope that it comes out here in Australia!

  • The first one was a fun but flawed attempt at making a user friendly game creation platform. The second looks to alleviate the former's problems, and improve on the "play create share" formula.