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Best of 2010

You know what...2010 was a pretty good year for gaming.  And while I may not have gotten to play that many games, my list was still pretty difficult to complete.  There were a lot of great games that I played that didn't make it on to this list. 
Instead of just doing a straight list of honourable mentions, I wanted to give a few details as to why some of these games (all ones that I played, but may not have finished) didn't make it.

  • The major game that is left off this list is Super Mario Galaxy 2.  It's a game that I really liked, but one that I just can't bring myself to finish.  I don't know what it is...I just think that after the first Galaxy I was pretty much done with the formula...or maybe it's because I'm just not that great at 3D platformers.  I don't know.
  • Donkey Kong Country Returns was a game that I picked up right at launch, played through the first world...and haven't picked up since.  Why?  I don't like the "overuse" of motion controls.  I don't like that most actions are relegated to shaking the controller.  I wish I could use the classic controller or a gamecube controller.  It's as simple (and petty) as that.
  • Super Meat Boy: I bought it in a heart beat...then found out it was hard.  Too hard for me to beat, so I don't feel right about putting it in my top 10 even if it is a great game.

List items

  • Like Red Dead, this is a game I don't think I need to talk too much about. Loved almost every minute of the game. Loved the characters, the action, the dialogue, everything and I know a lot of people among the community did as well.

  • "Kirby...above Red Dead and all these other great games...?" Yes, I liked Epic Yarn more than these games (but just by a little bit). I just had a more enjoyable time with Kirby's Epic Yarn than I did with most of the other games on this list. There were times when I was frustrated by Red Dead and SSF4. There were times when I was bored by AAI and SoulSilver. But when it comes to Kirby, I was never in a bad mood and was always having a good time. The music is amazing. The cute graphics are marvelous. The gameplay is great. I loved the time I spent in Quilty Squares, on Meta Knight's Halberd and flying through space as the theme "Outer Rings" plays. Kirby's Epic Yarn was...epic.

  • Like AAI, this is a game I don't expect to see on many lists (and above SSF4 no less) but I believe that Tatsunoko vs. Capcom is one of the premier and most enjoyable games to come out this year. Before getting this game, I had no idea what "Tatsunoko" was exactly; and after putting in a lot of time with it I still don't. Nevertheless, I found TvC to be the best fighting and one of the most fun games I played this year. It's just too crazy, too deep, too... everything not to love. The "next generation of the Vs. Series is here..." and it got me pumped to play MvC3.

  • Really, there is nothing that I can say that hasn't been said about having this game be on a top 10 of '10 list. So I won't...

  • I don't play many fighting games, but its a genre that I've always wanted to get good at. While I know that I am still far from being "good" at this game, I do recognize how amazing it is. The perfect fighting system, great graphics and enough extras to warrant its existence as a stand-alone boxed game; SSF4 is the perfect package for any fighting game enthusiast (even those who are less than "good").

  • I never got a chance to play the first Championship Edition, but after playing DX I know that I was missing out. CE DX is a great re-imagining of the Pac-Man franchise. I loved everything about it: the music, the visuals, the game-play. I loved having a giant line of ghost trailing behind you and finding a power pellet and eating every last one of them. CE DX is a fantastic game, pure and simple.

  • "It's just Silver/Gold done with Diamond/Pearl graphics." That's what I said a while before I decided to give SoulSilver a try. And to little surprise, it pretty much is. But that's not necessarily a bad thing. SoulSilver (my version of choice) is as addictive and deep a game as I remember and given the amount of time I put into it (100 hours or so) it would be a crime not to include it on this list.

  • Limbo is an interesting game, to say the least. Limbo as a platformer isn't the greatest (he doesn't jump very far, dies very easily and moves pretty slowly). As a puzzle game, it isn't the most inventive or challenging either. Only a couple puzzles gave me a problem and only a few were really great. But overall it is a great game with a good art style and visuals.

    Limbo is very dark. The game provided me with some of the best, darkest moments of gaming this year, and I am very grateful for that. To put it simply, Limbo was good but not quite as good as what is placed higher on my list.

  • This is a game that I don't expect to see on many lists, but I think it should be. Ace Attorney Investigations follows in the long line of Phoenix Wright court room dramas; but while AAI isn't the best in this fantastic series, I can't deny the great time I had while playing it. Of all the characters that I was introduced to in the Phoenix Wright universe, Miles Edgeworth has been one of my favorites (just behind Godot and the Judge) and his first foray as the main protagonist is a good one. Great writing, inventive puzzle-solving mechanics and a great world combine to make AAI:ME one of my favorite games this year.

  • Transformers: War for Cybertron, despite the jank and shortcomings of it, was a game that I really enjoyed. The multiplayer was fun as hell. The single player was pretty enjoyable, allowing me to learn a little bit about the past of the war between the Autobots and Decepticons. I know that it wasn't perfect, but I loved it for what it was and what it gave me: a fun time.