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2011- the year of Capcom

Is it me or do I see next year being filled/ruled by capcom Crossover Fighters such as: Marvel Vs Capcom 3, and Street Fighter X Tekken (a.k.a Capcom vs Namco Bandi 2)

 I Don't see This as a bad Things...

I Don't see This as a bad Things as I'm looking forward to how SF X T works out (it will probably be very good as it will be street fighter 4 just will tekken fighters and stages ), I am excited  for both games but MVC3 more so i cant wait to get my hands on Dante & Deadpool

my wishes for MVC3

for MVC3 I just which that we get fighters that have not been in a MVC game before (such as Nightcrawler, Carnage, and Jedah) and that when waiting in an online lobby you get something to do rather then just wait. 

 My wishes for SF X T

 for SF X T i just want them to get the tekken roster right and include Yoshimutsu, Hehatchi and Devil Jin.

To Finish

 to finish what do you think of next year will it have to many fighters or will it be a fantastic year of bringing back the fighting genre back to the for front (probably eradicating the FPS)