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Average score of 28 user reviews

Some May Call It Strange, I Just Call It a Good First-person Adeventure 0

Video Review: Zeno Clash II, like its predecessor, is completely and totally absurd. It's the kind of game where a two-headed baboon is mounted on a giant buzzard that vomits fireballs while laser beams chase you across a giant bridge. Yeah, it's that kind of spontaneous absurdity that holds this brawler together to push you through the 8 hour campaign. Some might call it strange, some might call it bizarre; I just call it a pretty damn good first-pers...

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

The Red Planet Houses A Promising New RPG 0 (Watch the review here) 2012 saw a few joint efforts from developer Spiders; one such effort with Frogwares to bring us The Testament of Sherlock Holmes and Of Orcs and Men in association Cyanide Studios; both were fairly well-received games critically.Well, Spiders has us caught in their web once again for its second solo attempt, and I’m happy to report that Spiders might still be a little shaky, but they’re really starting to come into their own; Ma...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

It can feel good to be bad sometimes... sometimes 0

It can be good to be bad sometimes or a breath of fresh, fun air to inhale a protagonist role of a fiendishly foul anti-hero. But after taking it in and exhaling Impire’s unique aspects, it soon gives way to questionable development decisions and faulty mechanics in this sinister take on base management coupled with some real-time strategy.As the title suggests, Impire is a tale of conquest; a tale of an empire, an empire founded in murder and established through blood and tyranny, with roots s...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Puts the 'action' in Action-RPG 0

Runic takes the 'action' in this action-RPG to a new level of mayhem. Take a look at what makes Torchlight II such a high-octane experience and why that intense focus on the action puts it in a category of its own. Source...

10 out of 12 found this review helpful.

Death Brings Life to Darksiders II 1

Darksiders II leaves behind War to spin the tale of Earth's apocalypse from the perspective of Death as he spans the universe to save his brother from damnation. This fantasy-inspired theologain action adventure role-playing game will take you on a journey of epic proportions, but the 20-30 hours it will take from start to finish is worth every minute. Check out the video review below. ...

10 out of 12 found this review helpful.

The ENTIRE Ultimate Edition Review 1

OriginsAdd-onsExpansion (Awakening)1. Dragon Age: ORIGINS - ReviewBioware is one of the few developers that seem to deliver the seemingly impossible mixture between the harmony of deep storytelling and deep gameplay through a RPG genre. When other game developers seem to strive for this nirvana but continuously miss the mark it is all the more impressive to see this single RPG developer do it time and again. Back when it was thought that the RPG roots and rudimentary elements of the “good” RPG w...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

The Game of Game of Thrones 0

Information, misinformation, strength, gold, power, lineage, loyalty, subterfuge, diplomacy, betrayal, death – these are the mechanisms in the machine that construct the game of power. If you win the game, then you can sit on the Iron Throne. Often the forces at the heart of the game of power effect many, some don’t know they’re playing and some are willing participants, but everyone is a gear in The Game of Thrones machine whether they know it or not. If you ever wanted to be an inter...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

Conduit to a Sense-Stimulating Machine 0

A rhythmic battle with cosmic geometry builds tension upon the unknown and heightens this anxiety with the abstract crescendo of the music. Superbrothers: Sword and Sworcery EP is all style and complete substance. It’s tangible proof that the Renaissance of 2d gaming is truly underfoot.Sword & Sworcery may incorporate some classic mechanics, but even from the start it is apparent that this is a unique ordeal to embark on. In fact, it never tries to be anything other than a game or ...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Derivative Because Not Much Is Truly Innovative 0

As you approach that weapon-obelisk you’ve been eyeing from across the valley, two hulking orcs appear in your field of vision as you grow nearer. You send Darius, the paladin, charging forward with sword in one hand and shield in the other. He is sure to keep their attention as your team of four dispatches the two green-skinned warriors to the afterlife. But what is this? Your gun-wielding healer in the backline has been ambushed by another group of orcs. You pause time to get a handle on the s...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Medicore As This Review 0

Have you ever played an ATARI 5200? If so, you’re in for a healthy dose of nostalgia. If not, you’re in luck because Hack, Slash, Loot (HSL) will give you a vibe that it is paying homage to the 1980’s and you’ll get to visit the ghost of gaming’s past. This independently developed game radiates dated 80’s technology from the sound effects and visuals to the very theme itself.HSL is first and foremost a ‘rogue-like’. Roguelike is a genre unto itself. Ever since the 1980’s with the release of the ...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Causality of War 0

Remember all the time you spent daydreaming on the idea of going back in time to give the Confederates better technology to fight the Union during the American Civil War? Me neither, but that is the off-kilter premise of developer Radioactive Software’s off-kilter RTS-TPS hybrid, Gettysburg: Armored Warfare.Mixing the ability to take direct control of a single soldier or vehicle in a real-time strategy game is nothing new to the world of gaming, and Gettysburg: Armored Warfare has not set any ge...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

War, Death, and Mass Effect: When Past Meets Present 5

I would say I’ve been salivating over the arrival of this game since I finished Mass Effect 2, but that would be false. In truth I’ve been clamoring for the epic conclusion of Commander Shepard’s journey ever since I first took down Saren and Sovereign in the first Mass Effect back in 2007. To say that Mass Effect 3 has big shoes to fill would be an understatement seeing as the shoes have become as large as BioWare’s ambition was back when they first set-out to make an epic sci-fi stor...

12 out of 16 found this review helpful.

RPG-Lite, Heavy Zombie Blood, not too much more. 0

Video Review More often than not if a game has some truly fun gameplay and mechanics they can usually carry the other aspects of the game – like story, shortage of features, and technical polish—that are lacking, Dead Island is one of those games. Developer Techland has borrowed from some other games and companies like Bethesda and Borderlands, but has put their own spin on the finalization of Dead Island to create a new IP that is simply great entertainment to take part in. And hacking...

4 out of 4 found this review helpful.

Fantastic development make this one of the best RPGs of the year. 0

BASTION - Video Review Bastion is exclusively a downloadable game which was first released as an Xbox Arcade title and then made the transition to the PC a short time later. Bastion’s style is second to none through its beauty and amazing sound track. Bastion can also be seen grabbing inspirations from old classics like “The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past” and other games of the middle to late 90’s era. Fantastic gameplay and a deeper (yet extremely simply) RPG experience than Zeld...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

Deep Hack'n Slash gameplay best suited for online with friends. 0

“Monster Hunter Tri” is an action oriented RPG from developers CAPCOM made exclusively for the Nintendo Wii. The Monster Hunter franchise is supposedly bigger than hop-scotch and heroin in Asia. So, I decided to see what all the hubbub was about. Some pretty unique RPG elements and fun action is weakened by flubs which make Monster Hunter Tri a fairly great triumph coupled with some flaws that could’ve otherwise easily been rectified to make an overall tighter gaming experience. In spite Monster...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Bethesda doing what they do best, RPGs. Video and written review. 3

“The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim” is developed and published by Bethesda. Skyrim is a direct addition to the long running Elder Scrolls franchise in which the fourth entry of the franchise, dubbed Oblivion, was very well received and launched the intellectual property and company Bethesda into the “big time”. The success of Oblivion has since allowed Bethesda to now publish and develop their own games free of publisher red tape and or potential restrictions that would have otherwise stoppe...

10 out of 13 found this review helpful.

Hopefully what happens in New Vegas doesn't stay there. 0

Fallout: New Vegas is published by the company that developed Fallout 3 in 2008 which was Bethesda, but this time around New Vegas is developed by Obsidian entertainment. Obsidian is fairly well known for making flawed but fantastic games. Sort of like they give you your cake and never let you eat it too…at least not until a year and “X” amount of patches later. It usually takes Obsidian awhile after one of their game’s launches to get it up to where it should be, but afterwards their games are ...

8 out of 8 found this review helpful.

Demon's Souls, I mean DARK SOULS!!! 0

Dark Souls is the spiritual successor to Demon’s Souls which was a Playstation 3 exclusive created by Japanese game developer From Software and was released in late 2009. Dark Souls is yet again developed by From Software and is HEAVILY influenced by Demon’s Souls. In a perfect world you might be able to review Dark Souls as though Demon’s Souls had never existed, but frankly we don’t live in a vacuum in which Demon’s Souls never was. In truth, Dark Souls must be held not only to the absent but ...

11 out of 13 found this review helpful.

A game that doesnt fallback on story or graphics but is great fun 0

Terraria is an indie game made by Re-Logic for download via PC (not Mac as of yet) for a mere 10 smackroos. In a gaming world overrun by triple 'A' tittles where everyone is trying to put their sights on the next videogame graphical apex it is nice to see a 'retro-style' game like this come out from an independent game developer and see it do great from a sales aspect. This 2d downscroller delivers great character customization, environment manipulation, and gameplay with a misleadingly simplist...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Everything you want to know about "The Witcher 2"...and more. 1

“The Witcher 2: Assassin of Kings” is from the developers CD Projeckt and published again by Atari, same as the first installment of the franchise released in 2007 was. The Polish developers have based and made the game in heart of the famous Polish novel “The Witcher” and still follows the same protagonist. Sophisticated gameplay, mechanics, environments, character customization, and other great features are all attributes that make The Witcher a fun and riveting adventure to undertake. Almost ...

16 out of 18 found this review helpful.

Pristine intro to a new dark fantasy world and its protagonist. 0

"The Witcher" is a Polish-made Action Role-playing Game which is utilizing BioWare's Aurora 2007 game engine. The game is based off of a medieval fantasy Tolkien-esque Polish novel called "The Witcher". Superb gameplay, mechanics, interfacing, character customization, and other great features are all attributes that make "The Witcher" a fun and riveting adventure to undertake.The simple score breakdown of "The Witcher" is like so…Graphics/Character Performance and Animation – 8.5/10Fun Factor – ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

A beat'em-up with a light dressing of RPG elements. 0

 Castle Crashers' art design and personality complement one another in an extremely enjoyable way. This 2-D side scroller is loaded with hours of fun game play and honest-to-goodness moments that will make you laugh. Castle Crashers has personality through and through. Also, its hack and slash gameplay are simple yet harmonize the other simple but cultivated features the game has to offer. So, sit back and enjoy the rollercoaster that is "CASTLE CRASHERS". The simple breakdown of Castle C...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

A beat'em-up with a light dressing of RPG elements. 0

Castle Crashers' art design and personality complement one another in an extremely enjoyable way. This 2-D side scroller is loaded with hours of fun game play and honest-to-goodness moments that will make you laugh. Castle Crashers has personality through and through. Also, its hack and slash gameplay are simple yet harmonize the other simple but cultivated features the game has to offer. So, sit back and enjoy the rollercoaster that is "CASTLE CRASHERS".The simple score breakdown of Castle Cras...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Reminiscent of MK Trilogy for this Generation. MK Return to FORM! 0

It's been a LONG LONG time since I have been interested, at all, in a fighting game. The most recent fighting game I actually paid for (not played) was probably... Tekken 2. Anyway, I've been a fan of Mortal Kombat since i was a little tike putting quarters up on the arcade game's screen trim to reserve my spot in line to play against other arcade patrons. So you can believe me when i say that this is Mortal Kombat's return to form and back to their 2-D roots.The new Mortal Kombat is very much l...

9 out of 10 found this review helpful.

A hidden gem. Drakensang:TRoT stands tall in its genre. 0

Drakensang: The River of Time is an immersive, story based, turn-stylized pen&paper group RPG. Fantastic graphics, good voice work, memorable characters, in-depth character customization and gear are all things that make up this beautifully crafted German made RPG from developers Radon Labs.The basic score of Drakensang is like this. The sound, music, camera, interface, and graphics of this game are all superb (9/10 each). The story is just average. I feel as though there must be many books ...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

A non bias review from someone who has not played 1 and 2. 0

 Fallout 3 is an ambitiously made game. The size and scope alone of Fallout 3 are ENORMOUS. It is a FPS with deeply customizable character choices and other RPG elements that will make it easily stand apart from a traditional FPS, but also simultaneously differentiate itself from a RPG. In short, the developer Bethesda seems to know what they're doing. When you first enter the wasteland ruins of what remains from the post-nuclear American devastated cityscape you can really feel the vast...

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

Reminiscent of the first Diablo. A new age of dungeon crawling. 0

 Reminiscent of the first Diablo for a new generation of video games. A new age of Dungeon Crawling has Demon's Souls rewards trial and error with a large emphasis on the error part. With layers upon layers of optional content, hidden items, and places to discover From Software has reinvented the action RPG wheel. The reason i say it reminds me of the first Diablo is this. Firstly, you have your main "hub and or town" which is known as the Nexus in Demon's Souls. The "main b...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

So you say you want a REVOLUTION? Well you know... 0

...everyone wants to change the world. If Beatles lyrics don't grab your attention I don't know what will. Pogs...are kids still into Pogs to go with their Pac ma men stuff?Lionhead Studios has done it AGAIN!!!! I actually mean that sarcastically and quite literally. Lionhead Studios has done it again…basically made the same game as Fable II. For some people this won't be a problem if you really loved Fable II. I liked Fable II quite a bit, it was entertaining. There are some changes from Fable ...

4 out of 4 found this review helpful.