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XBLA Streak

I just bought Geometry Wars 2 Retro Evolved last week and Braid this week, and I've got to say that those two games are the best two games that I have played on all of the Xbox Live Arcade.  And let me tell you for 800 MS points Geometry Wars 2 is a steal, and for 1200 MS points Braid is worth every penny!  If you have chance you need to buy these two game.

First off, I played the original Geometry Wars right when I first bought my Xbox 360 about two years ago, and it instantly became a favorite of mine but I still felt like the experience was a bit empty.  The original game was a nice touch, but it still felt like it was only one note, but with the sequel there are six awesome modes and they kept me entertained for soooo many hours.  My favorite mode is probably Waves, Evolved, and Deadline, and the rest not so much, but they still are fun.  I've been killing myself trying to get the wax off achievement that I don't even care about the rest of them.  I haven't gotten it yet, but I've gotten really close, so hopefully soon.

And Braid is CRAZY, the game plays so awesome.  It feels so retro in style, but so new in game play.  The puzzles can be REALLY challenging.  I mean some of the are pretty easy to figure out, but hard to do, but then others are hard to figure out, but then once you get it, you are like "wow that was simple, how did I not figure that out sooner".  The game is just so rewarding once you figure out the answer to puzzles.  You just feel so smart and cool, and whatever, lol.  Just go buy it. lol

Anyway, I've just been having sooo much fun with these game I just had to write about it.