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Tales of Vesperia First Impressions

Read the review on IGN and I was really intrigued, so I bought the game when it came out a week or two ago, and I have to say that I am really enjoying the game.  I have only clocked in about two to three hours in the game, but just from that short play time I can tell that I am really gonna enjoy this game and I feel like I will clock at least 60 hours on this game.  First of all, if you are an anime fan then you will just die when you see this game, the cel-shaded graphics are just amazing (Namco-Bandai just do amazing things with cel-shading in any of their games) and the anime cut scenes and intro in the game are just awesome (I woudln't be suprised if they made an anime series out of this show (and it wouldn't be the first time either, just look at Blue Dragon).

Anyway, I just thougth I would tell you guys my first impressions of the game, but I don't want to give too much away because I should have a full review coming later in the month once I finish the game.