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Initial thoughts on MW3

About time I did another blog post! I've been tied up with uni work lately!

But yeah, I picked up Modern Warfare 3 after class yesterday and just wanted to report my initial reactions. To put it bluntly, it's a good game but I feel a little conned. The online is as solid as ever, but doesn't really add anything new..... Black OPS added some cool, new features like wager matches and the COD POINTS aspect. But all these things are taken away in MW3. I'm sure me and my friends will have some fun times online, but I feel this could have been achieved with new map packs on Black OPS.

As for the campaign, I'm about half way through ( I think, judging on the lengths of previous renditions) and I'm having a decent time with it. I really enjoyed MW2's campaign due to the thrilling set pieces and tight gunplay, but I feel the epicness of having just playing Uncharted 3 makes MW3 come up short.

One thing I must mention about the game is that the sound is BREATHTAKING! The sound of the guns, explosions and the voice acting are top-notch and among the best in the industry. Also, considering the age of the engine, the visuals aren't so bad themselves. Although I think they'd be pushing it by using the same engine next year.

All in all, I think it's time for COD to innovate a lot more. The 'if it aint broke don't fix it' argument is all well and good, but I've been buying the same game for 4 years now. Some big improvements and innovations are going to be needed for me to put my dollar in Activision's pocket next year!