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Average score of 2 user reviews

Old men and little girls are pain in the ass customers 0

In most role playing games, selling items is an afterthought. The player hoards tons of awesome loot, sifts through the bag to pick out the epics, and then unloads the trash for pennies on the dollar to the next random shop keep they come upon. The curious player wonders, "What happens then?" Sadly, they never know... until now.The story starts with a cute young girl coming into bad circumstances that force her to open her own shop to pay off a large debt. Before long the innocent, naive young l...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Civilization 5 0

I'm not a long time fan of the Civilization series.  I've dabbled in them in the past but they never caught my interest for various reasons.  However, after playing the demo which made me purchase the game which in turn made me waste hours of my life, I am now, sadly, a huge Civ fan.  In my quick review of the game I will not get into nitty-gritty detail since Ryan did a great job at explaining the core game, but I will explain the reasons why this one has turned me on to Civ and what changes we...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.