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Sadness in the Key of Green

Please listen to the music provided in the Youtube (copyright trademarked) video below while reading this post. It is very beautiful and illustrates the feelings I'm having over the recent Microsoft (copyright trademarked) press conference and the announcement of the Xbone:

Dearest Xbone,

I am sorry to be in the position I am in right now. It is not what I have wanted and I hope you do not remember poorly of me when I'm old and you are gone. We cannot be together. You got creepy. I don't even know when it happened to be honest, but my gut doesn't lie, you're going to be a creepy product to have in the house... license in the house.... Oh I don't know, you have my heart in a vice. I feel guilty because I didn't acknowledge the signs before it happened. I want you, but I must turn away because I don't think you even know what you're asking of me.

What are you asking of me?

I never thought you the bully. I always thought there was a lump of soul in your beating green heart but alas you've shown your true colors. During our first acquaintance no less. You've changed things forever and you didn't even bat an eye. Like you didn't even know what you did. You didn't even know! You never thought about how uncomfortable it'll be to explain to MY friends that you installed a camera that keeps track of their heart rate and mood in my house? I mean, can the answer to why someone would do something so weird really be TV and internet and games? We can already do that stuff. You have got to tell me why. It's just a weird idea, is all.

I don't like giving out my personal information as much as you like holding onto it and sometimes I don't even know why you ask for it. I don't think you even know why you ask for it. We never talk about it. I don't mean to nag but you make me. There's just been something in your voice lately that makes me feel like you want to smother me.

This is no way to live. I'm verklempt all the time. You've drained me. Please consider the creep factor of your device collecting all that data all the time. Maybe I'm overreacting but tell me so! Did the money and power consume you totally? All I see are plastered smiles and the worlds smallest violin being played by a giant. You bit too far into my side of the pie. There's only a certain amount of corporation that I want to be included in my household and I believe you crossed that line. For me. Who knows how many more. I thought I was a core gamer but your own words poison me against you. You made a big boo boo and I'm not sure your games are going to help. Most of those feel like soulless money now too.

I will now find out what the world is without you. Unfortunately I don't think that will be possible with you in my home. You may spread and make all my other items in my house licenses too.

