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I'm hooked on my PS3

I've been going home and playing MGS4 and Valkyria Chronicles for the last few days, and let me tell you what... I'm addicted.  If you could somehow blend up those two games and mainline them into my system, I'd be a junkie for life.

The graphics look crisp, even on my older standard-def TV.  I can't wait to purchase a new TV sometime this year (hopefully May or June) so I can test out the graphics at their full potential.  MGS4's "follow the individual" level is frustrating, but that's the only blemish.  The rest of the game is great fun.  And Valkyria Chronicles?  Um, yeah - I'm in strategy RPG heaven.

I also played Motorstorm, which I'm awful at, but the graphics are insane!  Still have yet to take the shrink-wrap off Disgaea 3 - lord knows I'll put 100-200 hours into that easily, if not more.


Four more hours of work and then I can go hook up my PS3

It's here - again!  My PS3 arrived at my house just a few minutes ago.  If I hadn't already taken a sick day this month, I'd fake the black lung and head home right now.  At least it arrived on a Friday, which means I have the entire glorious weekend to play Valkyria Chronicles, MGS4, and/or Disgaea 3.  And thanks to generous Christmas gift cards from family, I should have copies of World at War and Motorstorm Pacific Rift on Monday!  Woo hoo!

First up is definitely Metal Gear.  Well, maybe not definitely... I can feel Valkyria calling my name.  And the Disgaea games are the greatest time sinks I've ever played, so if the third holds true to the last couple, it should make the system purchase entirely worth it if I put half as many hours into the game.

These will be the last game purchases for quite a while, but they'll last me at least a few months.  Factor in the wonderful world of Last Remnant, and I've got enough gooey, chocolate gaming goodness to last me for a damned long time.


Bought a PS3... again.

Those who've read up on my blogs know my recent frustration with purchasing a PS3.  I decided to buy a new PS3, backwards-compatibility be damned, and I'll pick up a PS2 when I buy a new HDTV sometime this year.  Why buy the PS3 first and the PS2 later?  Good question, and damned if I know the answer.  I just know I'm really stoked to play games like MGS4 and Valkyria Chronicles, not to mention the various downloadable games (Wipeout and the original Suikoden in particular).

I'll eventually move the current TV to the bedroom and replace it in the living room with a gargantuan HDTV.  Write me your recommendations for an HDTV if you'd like - any and all comments would be appreciated.  And if you have any particular recommendations for PS3 games, I'm willing to listen.  I own all three consoles (or will, once the PS3 is set up), so if there are games you've played that work better on the PS3 than the 360, feel free to toss those in too.

So yeah, I'm very excited.  Right now, I'm ordering Call of Duty: World at War, MGS4, Valkyria Chronicles, and Disgaea 3.  There will be more to follow in the coming months (I'm looking at you, Ratchet and Clank & Resistance!), so stay tuned for my unwarranted opinions!


A new category to add for end of year considerations in gaming

I'm going to throw something out that I mentioned briefly in another post, and maybe this is something a gaming magazine or website already does.  I think a new category should be added to the fold for the end of the year considerations - 2008's Most Important Game or Innovation.

There are a few games that come to mind.  The most obvious, and my personal choice, is Wii Fit for melding innovation, gameplay, and most importantly, exercise.  It was a bold move by Nintendo, one that has shown some amazing returns financially (and physically, for those of us using the sucker) and future potential.  It's not the cure-all to slug-like metabolism or obesity, but damned if it isn't a great step in the right direction.

There are other games deserving of consideration, too.  I'd argue the following games have all introduced some innovation that has potentially changed the gaming world, be it now or sometime in the future.  Please, feel free to debate and discuss below, but this isn't the place for system flames or trolls.  I'm looking for good, honest debate on which game was the most important of the year.  So here is my full list, which will be edited and updated as individuals bring their opinions to the table:

Spore - for its incredible use of background technology in regards to user-created content
LittleBigPlanet - for the sheer possibilities of user-created content and creator options
The World Ends With You - for its innovations in style and presentation


Just bought a PS3 to complete my current gen console collection

Whew... talk about impulse shopping.

On Sunday, I gave away my old PS2 to my cousins.  I used it as an excuse to finally purchase a 20 gig PS3.  I specifically wanted the 20 gig for its backwards compatibility, as there are a ton of games for the PS2 I've yet to play or games I want to revisit (never did finish FFXII).  This will bring me up to speed on all the current consoles.  I love having the option to purchase any game for any system and not having to worry about system exclusivity.  I just hope the consoles last a good, long time to warrant the purchases.

The PS3 should be here within a few days, along with copies of Metal Gear Solid 4 and Valkyria.  I'll be purchasing a few older games for the system when January or February rolls around and I've got a bit more cash.  If you've got any favorites, list 'em below.  Right now, I'd definitely like to get Disgaea 3 & Resistance.  Beyond that, the field is pretty much open.


What I'm Playing

I'm not entirely new to blogging, but I am new to blogging about games.   If anyone at any point has suggestions or things they'd like to see, please feel free to leave comments.

By nature, I'm a gamer.  I'll comment on any and all consoles, cell phone games, PC games, and anything else I get my hands on.  Don't come here looking for someone to start a flame war - I like all the consoles for different reasons.

Right now, I've been playing the Wii.  It's a recent purchase for me (just bought one in August).  I've already got a decent selection of games, including Mario Galaxy, Twilight Princess, Mario Kart, Smash Bros., Tiger Woods All Play, and a couple of others.  I had to buy a few games along with the Wii, so not all of these are getting the attention they deserve.  I've been focusing mostly on Galaxy and Kart, though my real time has been spent on the Virtual Console games Donkey Kong Country and Mario RPG.  I love them both and missed out on them in their original releases.

On the PC front, I've been blown away by Spore.  Small side tangent - I love to write fantasy, sci-fi, and horror in my spare time.  Having a game like Spore really unleashes my creative juices.  I've spent hours crafting creatures, buildings, and vehicles.  If you want to look me up on, I'm listed under SparkyBuzzsaw, I believe.  The DRM issue doesn't bug me - I don't upgrade my PC's often enough to really freak out about it, though the situation does irritate me.

Beyond that, I'm getting Disgaea DS and trying to finish Final Fantasy IV.  I really dig the game, but I only generally use my DS when I'm on the go.  Between work and personal stuff, that's not often.  I can sneak in a dungeon crawl every few days, but that's really about it.

So that's it in a nutshell for now.  Feel free to introduce yourself and tell me what you're playing and what you think.


Gotta go with Sonic, but...

Sonic and the Secret Rings for the Wii was a step in the right direction.  It's too bad we're not seeing anything like it being developed.  The DS games were also surprisingly decent, but they didn't feel like major outings for the character.

As far as runner-ups, Bomberman, Mega Man, and Leisure Suit Larry all took nose dives.