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Right now i'm playing tales of symphonia for the 8th time most likely for prep for the sequel coming out soon. And I always wondered how do they make the paper fan that deadly (note there will be spoilers so... yeah).  I mean the others i could get but paper fan. and of course theres the question can you really trip on air?? right now i just finished rebuilding luin and heading to the temple of darkness. and am ready to catch the (shadowlings???) On the 360 front my brother still has it so nothing at the moment. On my ds as soon as i get my paycheck i will most likely pickup Final Fantasy 4. My friend asked why im getting this when i got the one for the gba about 3 years ago was it? So why am i, because i want to see how well they do cut scenes and of course to hopefully hear Tellah say "You Spoony Bard". well thats it for this week see you all next week. later