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#1  Edited By SmugDarkLoser
@Wolverine said:
"@SmugDarkLoser said:
" Have fun playing it for two days and then getting bored of the gimmicks! "
Yeah I am a little worried that I might get bored of it. Should I cancel my order?
On a serious note, maybe, maybe not.,   Guitar Hero 1 and 2 were the only games imo that really had a special quality that made then fun and addictive.   GH3 was so uninspired it wasn't funny.  World Tour was the best thing ever for that day I started playing with buds at 8pm and ended at 2am.  Rock Band 1 and 2 are probably more quality games, but still, they're don't have that magic.

I dunno, 90 isn't necessarily too bad.  I'd say maybe.  Just realize that it's nothing more than a party game now.
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#2  Edited By SmugDarkLoser

You know, what if there were a search engine to see what you like like your favorite movie.  I just went to google, and it didn't work.   Damn, i'm an idiot. God, I don' know what to say really.  Xbox 360 rulez!  woo.!

As a side note, I'm starting to think I'm looking a bit like DaVinci's interpretation of what Jesus looked like.  Just a bit.

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#3  Edited By SmugDarkLoser
@Hailinel said:
"@SmugDarkLoser said:
" @Hailinel said:
"Trying to give a reason as to why existence exists is a pretty tall order.  It's hard to say that there could ever be truly "nothing", because even if the vastness of space was devoid of planets, stars, and galaxies, there would still be the vastness of space itself.  How can something like that not exist?"
Why does that have to exist? What caused anything to be?I just don't get it.  Science will obviously never find an answer as they'll just get to the point after it.  You can always ask why that happened. I'm just curious.  Why in the world would it?  Jees, I'm inspired to write a book about it, but I don't think I'm right in the head to do it now.  And lol, like anyone who starts a book finishes it like me.  "
You're seriously not making any sense here.  There's nothing that says that the universe has to exist, but there are elements of the universe that are, in essence, already nothing.  Those elements just happen to be populated by something.  Remove the something, and the nothing is still there.  How can one take nothing from nothing?"
But your coming from a standpoint of things existing.
Imagine a place, actually, don't imagine anything.   The fact that even nothing is there is weird.

I know it sounds weird, but assuming nothing exists is an assumption that is already making a universe/ those surrounding it.
This would make a neat twighlight zone episode, though they couldn't do it.

Dang.  This is why are believe in witches, ghosts, and whatnot.  Because I just can't see nothing even take root to exist.
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#4  Edited By SmugDarkLoser
@Termite said:
"@Hailinel said:
" Trying to give a reason as to why existence exists is a pretty tall order.  It's hard to say that there could ever be truly "nothing", because even if the vastness of space was devoid of planets, stars, and galaxies, there would still be the vastness of space itself.  How can something like that not exist? "
Is there a solid boundary between the ends of our universe and...well...whatever is OUTSIDE of it? The universe is constantly expanding, but what is it expanding into? Is there anything outside the universe? GAH, these are questions that cannot yet really be answered. "

Well actually, you're confused.  When people say that, they mean the galaxies are all moving away from each other.  Think about as if the space is a bowl of infinity, while the galaxies are just cheerios going towards the edge of the endless bowls.
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#5  Edited By SmugDarkLoser
@Hailinel said:
"Trying to give a reason as to why existence exists is a pretty tall order.  It's hard to say that there could ever be truly "nothing", because even if the vastness of space was devoid of planets, stars, and galaxies, there would still be the vastness of space itself.  How can something like that not exist?"
Why does that have to exist?
What caused anything to be?

I just don't get it.  Science will obviously never find an answer as they'll just get to the point after it.  You can always ask why that happened.

I'm just curious.  Why in the world would it?  Jees, I'm inspired to write a book about it, but I don't think I'm right in the head to do it now.  And lol, like anyone who starts a book finishes it like me. 

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#6  Edited By SmugDarkLoser

Sort of weird to think.
What if the universe didn't exist.  More so even, what if nothing didn't even exist?

I'm not saying what if life didn't exist, if only planets were there, if only space were there, if only that crazy concept of a white space was there.  No, I mean there being no nothing at all.

I'm curious overall as to why it does.    Someone's probably going to say the big bang, but I mean why would that happen?  And I don't mean what caused that either, but straight up, why does anything and nothing at all exist.   And no, I'm not implying any god or anything.  Just you know, you'd think  even nothing at all would be a crazy thing to say exists.

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#7  Edited By SmugDarkLoser
@TheGreatGuero said:
"I feel you, dude. Preordering games is risky business and I avoid it almost completely. It sucks that people that are more eager to pony up cash can get rewards that others can't get. Like you said, there needs to be another way for people to access it later on, even if they have to pay a small fee for it. Also, I think limited edition packages usually aren't worth the extra $10 or more. Especially these days, where it's gotten totally out of hand and you can end up paying twice as much just for this extra content, which is pretty much never worth having anyway."
I agree fully on the special editions.  you know, in reality, could you buy those things seperately for less? 
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#8  Edited By SmugDarkLoser

Have fun playing it for two days and then getting bored of the gimmicks!

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#9  Edited By SmugDarkLoser

Oh, crap.... I forgot about posting this.
Anyway, exchanged vegas, got an undoubtly used copy again.  What the hell?  Newegg is starting to piss me off.

That being said, they are seeming to take care of it.  Free shpping both ways and no hassle.  When they didn't send me a keyboard that was suppose to be included with my pc they let me pick one out from their website that really would be more expensive than the one I should have gotten.

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#10  Edited By SmugDarkLoser
@Snapstacle said:
"Actually, it doesn't look like it's advertised as anything. Just that you get Free Shipping* with your order.I stick with amazon and only order new games from sellers with great reputation (I also read their bad reps just to make sure) and buy used games from sellers with good reputation and thorough descriptions. I also check ebay and shopgoodwill from time to time and only bid on items with high-quality photos and descriptions that are well-written. "
Well if it's not told ot be used, it's assumed new.
Newegg is a damn well known site.  Huge.  It's much like amazon, but only electronics.  I bought my computer I'm typing on from them.

You don't see a book being sold used without it explicityly being said used.  I called them when I exchanged it initially and they said something about it probably just being a mix-up.  But this was twice.