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Just bought a PS3 in 2014.

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I Feel Dirty Thanks To Sarah Palin/SNL

Very funny mock interview of Sarah Pailin by Katie Couric.

Its based on the train wreck of incoherence that was the real interview.

What I do have come is to 2 conclusions:

  1. If you Gringos vote for this Pailin (through McCain) you are in for a very dangerous ride. I heard that Matt Damon was worried since its apparent that McCain might not make it through his tenure [should he win] and the free world would be in hands of this beauty pageant contestant (real fact!, look it up). I mean, is it true that she was considered VP on McCain's side after a 15 minute conversation by phone? WTF?!
  2. I feel very dirty to find such mature women hot. I feel even dirtier to find Tina Fey as Pailin and a preganant yet nicely toned of makeup Amy Pohler hotter then the characters the are making parody of. Some time my body has unnatural reactions I have yet to comprehend.
Oh well, at least its nice to see some relief among that big bailout "almost collapse for the North American economy" scare going around in the world.