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Just bought a PS3 in 2014.

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From Shania Twain To Kevin Little... Weird Message From The Cosmo

Yeah so as I'm surfing a little something known as the Internet... I kinda like to here my Mp3's on my PC on Winamp (my personal best choice for this task, unless you know of one better) and by the "Shuffle" option, because I have alot of variation on my Mp3 list.

So the shuffle began on Shania Twain - You're Still The One (FYI: I'm not gay I just heard it around the time I was in sixth grade when Shania Twain was popular and it got stuck in my mind) and as the song went on and I uncounciously started to listen to the lyrics... I think I went a little gay for a couple of seconds and taught to myself: "Wow... thats a nice message... I wonder what it's like to have a person like that in your life".

So right there and then as The Cosmos//Universe//God//Gantz taugth I was crossing over to the other side a bit too much, it reeled me back and as soon as the song ended it began playing Kevin Little - Turn Me On and it began talking about a girl telling the dude to "push it harder back on me" and I taught: "F*** Shania Twain! This sounds so much better! ".

Just when you think you're maturing... you realize you're still a horny teenager inside.