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Just bought a PS3 in 2014.

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Are they real players or morons?

Watch the vid first.


I like that this was reported... in May but I just saw this. What I don't agree with this vid is that they treated these kids like they were innocent children who just wanted someone to play to. WRONG! First, they knew who and where to call, and they were playing WOW and anyone who have touched an MMO knows that they are time and life consuming forces. OF COURSE THEY DIDN'T DO ANYTHING, they probably made the call during a bathroom break but as soon as they went back to playing WOW they just forgot about it or where more entertained by the game to put attention to the ladies.

Oh and did WOW come out for X360? This little detail makes me doubt the vercity of the reproted news. Unless they where playing both at the same time.

1000 ladies... Wow! Thats alot, even for women but then again women do suck you dry of cash.

My opinion... they are neither players nor morons, they are guys. Just like the rest of us, if we find something entertaining we will not pay attention to anything near us and sometimes waste our time on o stuff that can be recuperated later on... and sometimes their are oportunities that come very very very few times in life.

P.S. I hate that you can't ask for coke nowadays without people thinking you have a drug addiciton.