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Just bought a PS3 in 2014.

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I Just Came From Playing Basketball And... Ouch! :S

What is the good word all over the globe my adquired web log concections. Hey I just came from scoring some buckets and Boy! had I forgot how fun it was to get my hands on that rock again.

Well have in mind I haven't played like a year maybe. and before that like three years. In a teams game with the first one to reach 21 wins I only filled 5 buckets... so I'm a bit rusty. Oh! but I made the best shot of the night. Wait, I think I should explain that a friend's friend tells me that like 3 times a week they play and train. Which is great! Apparently they saw I can handle myself and they invited me to train, plus the dude that trains the guys does it for free and he apparently used to play like profesionally or something like that (not NBA of course) and he is really good and I think it's his way to give back or something. Yeah! I finally have something to do.

Oh yeah to the shot part, dude I had a dude mark on me from behind just a foot (30 cm) inside the 3 line I lifted my head and my teammates had heavy mark on them and under the hoop was too crouded for a rebound. So I went: "F*** IT!" and jumped while turning 180º to face the board and the weird thing is that at the same time I was twisting my body was going to my right. I took the shot and made it! It was really elegant, and I'm saying that because my style is more of going straight to the hoop and not such fancy stuff, but it worked and I think I'm gonna practice my shots more next time.

The end results... I impressed some total strangers who began treating me like they've known me for quite some time, an invitation to train... and my forearms, sides of my torso and thighs hurt alot. I bet tommorow when I wake up its gonna hurt even more.

Thats it, just wanted to share it with you. I'll write another blog very soon since I went to a place new to me which was abd mouthed to me about it being very dangerous and turned out to be a nice place.

See Ya!

"...I Love This Game! "

P.S. I basically like most sports and I play soccer, volleyball, videogames (of course) and anything I can get my hands on when possible. I would call myself a "Play-a" but I think it would have kind of double meaning, right?


Personal Update 09/18/08: MTV's Cero Significance

Well maybe US people already are a day or two in advance of me but I just woke up from a nap and was channel surfing and landed on the E! Channel and heard the TRL turned 10 years and blah, blah, blah... its being canceled.

Again, this just another signal that MTV should just get rid of the "M" and just rename itself CRTV: Crappy Reality Television. Common! The Hills? Flavor of Love? Rock of Love? The Real World? The Surreal Life? OK given that some of these shows are on VH1 but its basically the same thing and owned by the same people. Also, thats the level of identity that MTV has when its getting confused with another channel. Both have crappy reality shows and shower their commercials with music videos. MTV canceling one of its flagship shows is just another signal that it is moving on to other stuff other then music videos.

All this goes back to me pointing out that Britney Spears' "comeback" should not be based on MTV as a standard of importance. Maybe MTV pronouncing a comeback could have worked in 1999 when Boy Bands and underage blonde girls with fast developing bodies ruled the world, God knows that Madonna used this channel like a 100x during the last 15 years each time she found a new way of exercising or changed religion and used that as a way to "reinvent" herself and MTV as the medium to show the world that she's still not old.

Anywho...I'm just writing this blog since I think I pissed off some people by my last blog concerning Britney Spears. OK I just want to add one thing for these people. I was just starting middle school when this lady began her "career" and had an A Cup breast size. I was there when NSync sold like X million copies in a week thanks to their music video "Bye, Bye, Bye". Yes I was in the front of the battle when "Genie in a bottle" popped out and revealed Christina Aguilera. When Nick Carter gained weight to fill out a trenchcoat for the "I want it that way" vid. Yes, back when the internet was streamed through telephone lines and was just 56Kbps and they charged you the minutes you used the service in your phonebill, hence I had to find cheaper ways of entertaining myself that did not involve the use of drugs, underage drinking, teenaged unprotected sex or chronic masturbation which are your options when being raised around a western influenced culture. My answer to my lack of enthusiam was TV, martial arts, trouble making in and out of school, disrespect for teachers, discovering anime and of course my purchase of a PS1... I found my love for MGS in a thin blue cardboard box with what I taught was the most awsome thing in the world at the time: "A machine that played black CD's". I baught Tomb Raider 3 (back when I didn't know any better and GameSpot was called and I clicked the links because a cool image of Street Fighter vs Xmen dudes fighitng was above it)... and would just stare and wonder how did they print the holographic/foiled cover on the CD?

So I kinda really don't have fond memories of those times, not because I hated them in particular but because the girls in c.lass would just keep singing and trying to imitate the dances they saw. Which pretty much F'n pissed me off to no end. We would have assemblies each Monday morning just to see the stupid dance squad made of the the female grade students after my grade (they were in 8th and I was in 7th) and sit watching them dances and think they are cool for pulling 2 out of 10 steps of the coreography and waving their finger in the shape of an "L" around. God I hated that. I would already come tired from waking up at 5:30 a.m. to go to school and sit from 7 to 8 watching this stuff and having to mumble the national anthem because I was to sleepy to actually sing it.

I also remembered when some c.lassmates taught I was gay because I wouldn't go chasing after girls as if I didn't have any will of my own, or didn't talk nice to a stupid girl just because, unlike others, it wasn't in my plans to makeout or have sex with her over the next five years (so dumb to plan your life around a person which you don't even know likes you)... plus I think I really was pushing my sexual orientation in front of many in the school when I told her I had a better a$$ then she did. Which is true, till this day in fact, and don't you forget it. She was cute and had "some" meat on her bones (which later would turn into begining stages of obesity and her obsession to loose weight and a somewhat of an eating disorder) but really wasn't much more to look at, of course for all my horny c.lassmates she was basically the only women they could reach and talk to hence think they had an opportunity with her. That day I kinda threw myself overboard with that comment. So for the next coulple of days, I was labeled as a f.a.g.g. until I stop caring and one of my c.lassmates told me to F' myself and I kindly replied: "thats weird, thats kinda of what I did to your mom last night". So that day I proved two things: I was not gay and that I could kick ass like no one in my c.lass and I suspect much of the school; many higher grade punks also started to choose their words with me. Which was weird because many at the time were even bigger then me but not alot had the stamina and animal-esque "I can rip you apart" cold glance. I also learned that humans by nature don't like to get hurt at all, no matter how big or small, they prefer to act tough rather then show it. So that helped because even though I can take a punch and punchback I rather not fight because I was on probation and could get expelled at any moment, so a cold deep "I ain't afraid of you" stare could avoid me alot of troubles... also works with thieves and small time gang members on the street. You just have to master that look otherwise you come out looking weird or a bit gay which happened to me at first but I got better at it.

Oh boy! I kinda sidetracked there. So let me rephrase all that above regarding some people being angry at me commenting on Britney Spears... I saw all this from the start and I can tell you many moments in which this end result was being foreshadowed years before the crazy umbrella attacks and the shaving your head while getting a tatoo while your kids are being unattended and the stepping out of a car in a skirt without any underwear... "oh so unexpected" type of issues. I have years of experience on the matter so I'm not trying to insult or aggrevate this lady... becuase she pretty much did that all on her own.

So that's it... maybe some other time I'll blog about when they called my mom for making comments on how big my English teacher's breast were or the time I was publically hauled off by the Principal for disrespecting him during an assembly in which the school president was being sworn in.


P.S. I think I should chain this more to games since I will post it in my Giant Bomb blog as well. While others where chaisng girls like horny zombies, I was doing the following:

  • Finishing off Nemesis on the train (RE3) and lamenting Mikhail sacrifice
  • Unlocking Mecha-Gouki (Akuma) and Mecha-Zangief in the Japanese version of Marvel vs Capsom
  • I was repeating twice the feat. of beating DBGT: Final Bout 9 times in a row with Trunks and no continues to unlock Gotenks... and later realised "this is the biggest scam in the world" (it doesn't work)
  • I was teaming up Gambit and Ryu in Street Fighter vs Xmen and forming what I called: Kinetic Hadou Ken at the time
  • I was wondering who was "Birdie" at the moment (I taught he had like a pet parrot I had not known about). Sabertooth pulled out his blonde companion with a big yellow ball throwing gun... and I would ask myself why the hell is he not cannon with the Xmen cartoon. I later found out who she was and that Sabertooth is a bastard in the comicbooks. That guy is sick. (Street Fighter vs Xmen)
  • I was seeing Kain escape through the time portal after finally reaching him and learning from my sister that the catch of adventure games in not only action but exploring.
  • And last, I was also sceaming out loud with my sister during breakfast, lunch and when just playing around: "SNAAAAAKE!!!". We were both puzzled by how a person can be named after an animal. When playing the demo for MGS, and entering the ventilation shaft, we would stare for 10 minutes at the MGS logo and underneath it a "To be Continued" screen at the end of the demo just waiting for what is gonna happen next and finally blaming each other for pressing the Cirlcle button and going to the main menu of the demo disc and thinking that we missed out on something awsome. We also didn't know what Snake was doing when snapping an enemy's neck but really liked the "Ah" fast repetitve sound when doing so.

I finally understand why people love Peter Molyneux

You know what, I'm starting to come around myself with my own personal man-crush on this dude. So down to earth yet with such a vision and a firm yet gentle tone in his words. It  kinda reminded me of how the Third Hokage talks in the anime and manga.  I'd follow and better yet get an X360 just for how genuine his talking about Fable Two. I reall like when people in the industry don't take me for an idiot *cough*marketing*cough*. (Weird, I just really coughed, its Winter around here so kinda feeling the effects :P)

Please watch the vid here (On Giant Bomb of course). Ver cool. Time went flying so fast, that how in attention mode I was while being sweeped away by Molyneux's words.

Great interview Mr. Shoemaker, nicely done Giant Bomb.

P.S. I also embedded the vid in case you just want to here it or take a quick look. If you want wide screen visualization and hi-res then click on the above this paragraph. If you want to use the playback controls on the vid in the embed, just drag your pointer on the visible video parta (the middle) of embed, otherwise when trying to use it beneath the middle part the playback controls will start bouncing up and down and you won't be able to use those controls. Cheers!


Is it really Britney Spears' comeback? Really?

Okay quick blog on this spare time, good thing they moved today's exam to Friday. =D

Just wanted to comment on this whole mess of words I hear floating around on the net and "entertainment" tv shows, something about Britney Spears coming back.

Well, first of all I don't hate this woman, I personally think her pop days are behind her. Specially since she had kids, she can't where that schoolgirl uniform anymore... it would be too creepy and her body has gone through too many changes to pull it off (it happens to some women).  Also, when she tried to move on from a young teen girl image to a mature young woman... it kinda turned out more slutty then mature IMO. Oh! BTW, I saw "Chaotic" or whatever it was called, and if that was all you really knew about this lady or if she is really like that in real life then I think some White Trash have too much luck in this world.

Anywhoooo... The main thing here is that she won a bunch of silver astronaut statues as awards on the MTV Music Awards, and that's good but does that really mean a comeback? I guess this could all be more pointing out to the real importance or more like lack of that MTV has up to date. I'm not saying that nobody watches it or anything like that but it really doesn't have any true value as before. I think its past value was as some kind of worlwide entertainment forum, BUT now we have the internet so what can MTV offer?

So I think calling out this lady's comeback is a bit too early IMO. Special when basing it upon MTV as a standard of importance.

"Only time will tell"


Something I always wanted to do to Yoda

So okay, lets get this first out. This is a vid from a local comedy show around here, like a Saturday Night Live but not live and more like "by the people, from the people and for the people" type of setup. It actually the funniest show in this place. I'll try to explain some stuff below the vid, its in Spanish but most is physical comedy so you don't have to understand to appreciate what my point is.

A little layup for the vid... a parody of the Beijing Olympic Games. Fast foward to 5:50 minutes in the vid to get what I'm trying to share with y'all.


The Goku and Piccolo, Power Ranger and Speed Racer parts are allusion to the characters being gay, but from the noise of the guys behind cameras that's pretty obvious.  I you have any other question let me know.