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X-mas List and Eye-Bleeding Update's!

Great Game!
Great Game!

So, As you all know I loved CoD4 and played it for 20 day's. I beat the single player and it's what you suspect, Fast-packed wave of enemies and much action. I am a huge fan of the online, i love it and I think it's a great improvement of what Infinity Ward did last year! I am currently at lvl 45 (no Prestige) and my Kill/Death Ratio is 1.58 (alway's subject to change) but it is a good ratio if you ask me, it even beat's guy's in the top 20 on PSN leaderboard's!

Oh Golly!
Oh Golly!

Yup, i got this game and man the Single Player blow's alot of Single player's out of the water. I mean you fight monster's the size of Godzilla! The game has so many Weapon's including Old and New. Also, the game flow's very well between gameplayer and cutscene almost completely always keeping you in 1st person. Insoniac never made a bad game, and golly, they didn't come close to a bad game with this one.

So, I have a Christmas List, I will Share with you guy's, Remember this is more of a Wish List!
 Rock Band Cymbal Add-Ons Triple (Double?) Pack (PS3)
 Rock Band: AC/DC Live (PS3)
 Dualshock 3 (NEW PS3 Controller)
 Mirrors Edge (PS3)
 Bioshock (PS3)
 Guitar Hero 4: World Tour (PS3)
 Prince of Persia (PS3)
 PlayStation Network Download Card - $20
 Motorstorm 2: Pacific Rift (PS3)

 Mudvayne "The New Game"
 Slipknot "Vol. 3 Special Edition"
 Iowa by Slipknot
 End of Heartache Special Edition by Killswitch Engage

Futurama: Bender's Game (DVD) [ Got the other's on DVD, so not Blu-Ray ]
Family Guy: Season 6 (DVD)
Robot Chicken: Season 3 (DVD)
Hell Boy 2 (Blu-Ray)

Best Buy Only Gift Card's and Cash
Simpson's Stuff

Yes, Many people hated World Tour, but i just want the game and I enjoy those game's alot. Also Mirror's Edge is another game critcized, well i think it looks great and so what if it's hard! Man, PSP need's to come out with some new game's before people lose interest!

So, Bye for Now! Comment (I Like those)