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Systems I have owned

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  • Complete with R.O.B., included games were gyromite and duck hunt.

  • you had to own one of these if you were a fan of fighting games

  • This is my all time favorite system. Anyone that has one will tell you that in its day it was the shiz. This system was so far ahead of the other games at the time you thought it came from the future. We spent hours appon hours playing games like Twisted and Road Rash ohhh i love this system and it still works perfectly. BONUS if you have one of these note that the games use NO copy protection its completely open, so you can download the roms and burn straight to cd (at 4x speed or slower) and they play fine.

  • My First Sega, wasn't impressed.

  • I never owned a regular genesis, bought this at a thrift store for 25 bucks worked great riding in the car on long trips.

  • This little system caused the downfall of the 3DO, i'm still bitter to this day

  • I won this through a contest at work, shortly after I found myself hoplessly addicted to Achievements.

  • A recent aquisition, brother in law had 2 now only one. thanks "C"

  • Fun by itself but with an R4 card its awesome.