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I get lag and such when playing but that hasn't turned me off from playing. The way standard multiplayer works has turned me off a bit. I get that ranking up and unlocking weapons is at the core of the system they have made. I just feel having some OP weapons as a reward is really annoying. The players that have ranked really high quickly are obviously going to rip new players apart but giving them even better weapons that have a lower TTK is just wrong.

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#2  Edited By Shibbybypass

Sounds like the devs put a ton of work into the game. I will play it because if I worked super hard on something and nobody played it I would be pretty bummed. Plus saying you worked on RDR 2 would make a resume look amazing. I hope they didn't stress out too much but I am not skipping it because of this. I wouldn't really own many electronics or clothing if I was this serious about how workers are treated.