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4 years, 7 months, and 23 days ago, I was fired from Walmart. In 12 days, I graduate as a Mechanical Engineer.

I was a little depressed those first couple months after getting fired, but in the end, it was a good thing. That event gave me the push I needed to do something more with my life. I'd already served ten years in the US Marine Corps and felt I had already made my impact on the world. Now I feel like that is still ahead of me, I've already got a job with an organization that focuses on environment restoration and feel good about what I am doing because it is in an effort to make the world a better place. Giant Bomb has gotten me through a lot of the stress of getting a four year degree, granted it has also added to that stress sometimes by being a distraction from what I should have been doing.

Even though I am happy that I am graduating, it is tinged with a little sadness. I will miss seeing my classmates and friends every day. We will try to keep in touch I am sure, but it won't be the same. One of my friends is going into the Navy as an officer to work on nuclear submarines, another has a job in Iowa already lined up. I am trying to get transferred to New Orleans. We are all going our separate ways and I will cherish the times we had and lament the increase in the duration between the new memories to be created.

I never know how to end these things, so I will just say that I am thankful for Giant Bomb and the community, I am thankful to my friends and classmates who helped when I needed it and vice versa. I am also somewhat thankful for getting fired those almost 5 years ago. Here's to the future, slightly brighter than it was.