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Apologies if this is in the wrong place. I've been trying to get help with this through the support email address but it's now been a month that I've been unable to get into my premium account and my latest emails to them haven't been answered. (I had to create a new account from a new email address in order to post here. I know, not allowed, but I need help and can't get on to the site in any other way!)

I couldn't log into my account from a new device. Tried to reset the password and got a message to say I had two accounts on the site from the same email? I have a premium membership. When selecting the correct account to reset the password I get an error.

I contacted support a month ago, sent screens, and got a reply to say that it had been elevated. I guess Top Men are figuring it out. I sent another message to follow up last week and still nothing. I know it's a pandemic and everything but, can anyone help me out here?

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