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Story Time

Enjoy this story I wrote, can you guess what it's about before the punch line? 

Yawning I get out of bed, it's orthopedic and really hard to find the courage to drag myself out of bed. Every morning I somehow convince myself that it's worth it, I guess it's just the pull of work, making money. There at least I fit in, I know that I have a place and a job to do. I'm the only one that can do it, after all. Well, me and the rest of the people at my pay grade. As a kid I never felt like "one of the gang", I just wandered around in my own little world. So anyways, I got up, ate my none-fattening breakfast, wandering down main street, I remembered as a child how I walked the same street. Then, as the youngster I was, I had no idea where I would end up, who I would be. Now, I know. When people walk into my building they think the power's out, it's not, just because it seems dark. I know my way around though, like I said, I belong there. I was born to work there. I line up behind everyone else and wait to start work for the day. Taping my foot I become almost anxious, excited even, can you believe it? Excited for work. I'd never have thought I liked work, even as a kid, as these thoughts enter my mind I realize I'm "on deck" to use a baseball analogy. I got that last surge of excitement as the doors opened, a flash of bright light blinded me as I stepped through. This was the moment, my favourite part, I fell... and fell and fell. I twisted and turned. Finally stopping in one position. As I slid into place, beside my co-workers, I smiled to myself as I knew, as I did everyday, that I fit in. I was just a square outside my office, but here... here I had a spot, be it beside the Zs or rectangles. Damnit: I love my job at Tetris.

The Night Before Exams

Adapted from the original "The Night before Christmas" bedtime story, I have decided to take a break from studying to write this little poem. Enjoy!
T'was the night before exams,
when all through my home,
My brother was playing,
I wished I were alone;

My books were all piled,
by my computer with care,
In hopes that my studying,
would soon take me there;

The kids were all out,
playing in the bright sun,
while I sat inside,
and try to get work done;

And Taylor in his boxers,
and I in my dress,
Had just started our brains,
to make the long day best,

When outside my bedroom,
there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my desk,
to see what was the matter,

Away to the doorway,
I flew like a ball,
grabbed the handle,
and peered into the hall,

The light on the carpet,
as white as the snow,
Gave the luster of midday,
to the objects below,

what to my wondering eyes should appear,

But a my mother,
with more textbooks I fear,

With their old dates,
so long ago past,
I knew in a moment,
that I would not last.

More rapid then eagles,
the headaches they came,
And she gave me advil,
and said them by name;

"Now, English! Now, Comm. Tech!
now, History and Anthro!
On, French! on, Chemistry.
on, Heath and on Bio!

To the top of the pile!
to the top of the list!
Now work away! work away!
Not one to be missed!"

As dry leaves that before
the wild hurricane fly,
When I met with this obstacle,
I tried not to cry,

So up to my desktop,
the textbooks they flew,
With words full of confusion,
and a few diagrams, too.

And then, in a twinkling,
I saw on my page
The work and reviewing
of each small unit.

As I withdrew to my room,
and was turning around,
Down the keyboard my notes
fell with a bound.

They were strewn all over,
from my bed to my dresser,
And the notes were all tarnished
Couldn't've been messier;

A bundle of pens,
I had flung in my rage,
And I looked like a madman
just escaped from my cage.

My eyes-how they dimmed!
when seeing my work
My cheeks were shallow!
as I drudged through the murk

My droll little mouth,
was pulled down in a frown,
And the pen on my face
made me feel like a clown;

The stump of a pencil,
I held tight in my teeth,
And the heat in my room
circled my head like a wreath;

I had a small guess
and no clue at all
That shook me all over
I was about to fall

I was tired and sore,
my head hurt a lot
And I laughed while I worked,
when the right answer, I got

A wink of my eye
and a twist of my head
Soon gave me to know
I'd rather be in bed.

I spoke not a word,
but went straight to my work,
And tried to fill my head,
then turned with a jerk,

And laying my finger
aside of my stuff,
And giving a nod,
proclaimed I'd had enough;

I sprang to the kitchen,
and said I'd never go back,
And away my mom flew,
to get me a snack.

But I heard her exclaim,
ere she gave me a treat,


Deadly Premonition: The Fountain of Youth?

Today's episode with Vinny and Jeff has opened a few mental doors. They got to talk to Mr. Stewart and discovered he doesn't speak in rhymes! Nor does he sound like Stephen Hawking when he speaks through his computer/vocalizer. THIS, however, is not the point of my post today, my point is that Mr. Stewart brought up an interesting point (if I may be so bold as to use that word a third time) about the potential motives behind the raincoat killer's actions. It seems that if you eat the red seeds and then kill someone, you will become immortal. Has the raincoat killer unlocked the fountain of youth?! This may explain why someone as hunched over and ancient as Polly can continue to live, is She the killer? Does she envy the youth of Greenvale and wish to take out her jealousy in a sick form of murder in which she ironically places red seeds in the victims mouths, thus showing that they could have eaten them and lived forever in their beauty. Such mysteries to ponder... What do you think, Zach?


Deadly Premonition: Kaysen

Theories galore! Well actually just the one, Kaysen did it! Reasons? There has been similar murders all over the countries, York mentions this during one of his monologues. The victims were all women who were found with red seeds in them. Has anyone else noticed that Kaysen sells red trees? I doubt those seeds become blue trees. The evidence is stacking up against him.  
Or, the dog is the mastermind behind the whole thing, who knows! Do you Zach?


Deadly Premonition: The plot thickens!

Deadly premonition has taken a major step up the interesting ladder: now on rung three.
 NOTE: Do not read this if you haven't seen Episode 22 of endurance run with Brad and Ryan.
Man things went DOWN! The main point of my excitement: radio. It allows them to finally jump from place to place without meaningless driving. (Although I will miss the chatter that went on between the two guys when York wasn't talking about 80s movies). There's also been some major plot twists and points. 
I have changed my idea from who may be the killer to George because of his confession . First of all, he was implicated in the death of both Becky and Diane. He cut the wire for Becky and pushed the tree that eventually killed Diane.
 In my opinion, if your mother beats you as a child, that doesn't leave such a good impression upon you about women. Also, think about it, she said "this hurts the trees more then it hurts you", the very first time we go to the scene where Anna was killed, the big tree where the twins and their grandfather found her, York deduced that it seemed to be some kind of offering. Perhaps, and this is just my theory, that if it Is indeed George, as I suspect, then his way of saying sorry to the trees for getting beaten as a child is to kill women and offer them as sacrifices. 
Why these women you may ask? Well in the last shot of today's episode, with Brad and Ryan, showed Carol crying and a quick shot of a picture with the killer and two women who were killed with another yet alive, who may be Carol although I'm not sure. I suspect that if it is George then he is the man, because in yesterday's episode his hair looked strangely rain-killer-esk when his hat fell off. Perhaps Ryan is right and he inflicted the scars on himself, although I don't think that's a strong enough point to let George off the hook.  
If you think about it, George was at the art gallery where Diane was killed before everyone else was. He also said he was a little tipsy, and maybe that was just an excuse and really he had set Diane up, because she did sound surprised to see him and York later mentions that it seemed as though the killer had been rushed into setting her up. (Mind you all that time spent killing zombies was just delaying York's progress).
NIck seemed strangely crazy in jail and since Thomas wasn't there, as I assume he was supposed to be, maybe Thomas is implicated somehow as well. Emily seems to be becoming the stereotypical love-interest. I don't see how she can fall for York's imaginary friend, but even if that does happen, it'll be a fair fight, right Zach?


Deadly Premonition: BR. EP. 21

Heavily plot oriented, todays short yet sweet (as a figurative term, it wasn't really that pleasant) episode left us with a lot to ponder.  
NOTE: Do not read this if you haven't yet seen episode 21 of endurance run with Brad and Ryan.  
Today we learnt that George is officially an idiot when it comes to investigation, where as before we could Maybe understand his rash decision. However, now, we can be sure; with Becky he cut the cord that eventually lead to her hanging and now, with DIane, he pushed the tree that came to crush her. However, we can take some relief in knowing that Deadly Premonition does acknowledge that George aided in the killing of both these women--York mentions in his monologue at the end of the chapter that George seems depressed.  
Theories as to who is the real killer are far and wide, to be honest I had thought that it was Diane, what with the hair in the profiling beforehand resembling her own. However this has obviously been proven wrong by her death. Nick is also a likely candidate, as is Kaysen. I think it is more likely to be Nick as he's been more involved then Kaysen, but he was unconscious, however we don't know for how long. As well Kaysen was locked up, and yet  he said he'd let the dog out after he'd been locked up? this makes no sense to me, and I do not know if it was a translation error on the games part or if it holds any significance. Maybe, based on the unpredictability of the game so far, Brad and Ryan are correct and it is the dog. 
Admittedly, York took me by surprise when he saved Diane the first time and Emily when the tree was falling. Don't you think, Zach?


One follower!

Hurrah! I have one follower, to be honest I assumed I would have more seeing that I am a girl. It has been told to me, however, that most of the users here do not always believe it when someone says they're a girl. I have no way of proving it but I shall just hope that you all believe me. And whether you do or not, I will be commenting and writing away, hoping to gain more then my one lowly follower! So click that little button and let's see how this week goes with new endurance run videos coming out and more quick looks! 


Deadly Premonition: Endurance Run(s)

No Caption Provided

   Profiling Start!   

At first, I was ready to turn away from this game without so much as a second look. Like Brad I held no love for the gameplay and I was not impressed with the graphics. I was floating above boredom with only the commentary (I guess that's what you call it) by both Brad&Ryan and Vinny&Jeff to keep me watching, you guys are hilarious! Especially Brad for his comments about how much he hates the game; they totally vocalized some of the thoughts I have while I watch you guys. And Ryan? Ever ready to yell the commands and tell Brad when to reload. I'd still like to know How it is that the zombies aren't noticed by the other characters and how they explain the passage of time. Though perhaps that will be defined later in the game? I hope so.


As for Vinny&Jeff, back in the Endurance Run couch, are the all knowing veterans at the whole E.R. scene. Admittedly, I find myself pausing the game sometimes so I can laugh and not miss anything after one of your stories or character role-playing. Example: Ep. 17 the re-creation of the "Gift of the Magi", a story that I'm pretty sure everyone read in their elementary school years. 

In general, I think this Endurance Run will be a good one. With two going on at the same time, I like the fact that I can see the story played out in different ways. By my reckoning, we should all have this story memorized after seeing it played twice (or if you're anything like me, four or five times). Short sweet and to the point, unlike some of the pauses taken by York, everyone calls him that, to smile his charming smile. With that image in mind, I can't wait for tomorrow's episode. Can you, Zach?