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  • Saint_Rukus posted a message on the post 100 Baby Challenge - Part 8 [Live!].

    @beartaco said:@dannyglover said: Would be glad to see more episodes per week. Abby's kitchen makeover blue me away.Love seeing Abby's reaction to Grizzy's chin: It's so tragic, the kids are always s...

  • Saint_Rukus posted a message on the post 100 Baby Challenge - Part 6 [Live!].

    "I'm only here for the major award." - Dobby, award winning author and parent of 5(8) children

  • Saint_Rukus posted a message on the post Lockdown 2020: Day 47.


  • Saint_Rukus posted a message in the forum topic A positive thread about what you're currently playing. on the General Discussion board

    @ijkay15: PC (steam) is what I'm playing it on. If you've never played FFT but you're a fan of FE, then it's probably going to be a bit of a switch in how some of the mechanics play out. Nothing bad...

  • Saint_Rukus posted a message in the forum topic A positive thread about what you're currently playing. on the General Discussion board

    Playing Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark and it's a god damn shame that nobody seems to even know or care about this wonderful game. I get that Fire Emblem has probably sucked all of the attention that any...

  • Saint_Rukus posted a message on the post Episode 230.

    Hyped that Abby not knowing who Phil Hartman is didn't make me old, but nobody mentioning any SNL actors from the 70's/80's sure as heck made me feel like a dumb boomer.