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#1  Edited By Sacerdos87

Pretty cool post. Glad to see someone else finding enjoyment in EVE online.

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#2  Edited By Sacerdos87

All I have to say to this is HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

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#4  Edited By Sacerdos87

This news and the fact that that Street Fighter X Tekken is coming to PC has me super dope mega hyper excited. Glad they didn't forget us for too long.

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#5  Edited By Sacerdos87

The video itself shows how PI works though to a degree. I know people on GB are intrigued about EVE and what you can do.

By posting here people who frequent the forums but are unsure of EVE could see how working with planets goes. It's definitely a video for new players and EVE Uni won't work for everyone.

Good advice though on the storage containers, someone like me who has trained the majority of the skills up high definitely doesn't need them but I see their use for pilots who are fairly new and need a viable storage to avoid waste. 900K doesn't come fast enough for new guys.

@jadeskye said:

"This is all great info. I also find it's only really worth your time to do PI in nulsec, the yeilds just arn't high enough in high-sec. "
No doubt. But not everyone can get to low sec. You are fortunate enough to be able to. Doing this in high sec still gives some nice passive income once you make the refined commodities and sell them.
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#6  Edited By Sacerdos87

  I noticed that CCP recently released a video on the interwebs showing off Planetary Interaction or Pi as it gets abbreviated in chats and forums. I figured this would be a good opportunity to show those interested, one of the things you can do in EVE and it's complexity with it. I was thinking of waiting to see if maybe the site itself would jump on it but I decided to grab the bull by the horns and not wait on that.


 As you can see it's got some pretty cool stuff. You can take those goods and either expand on them and make more goods or just sell the raw materials for some passive income. Either way, it's pretty cool as I just recently delved into it myself. Once you figure out how to lay out everything and use the controls for it. It's pretty amazing because the materials come in and then after 30 mins get a product to stockpile to sell later for some decent prices on the market. I would say this is a must have to do in game if your going into the industry career portion of the game because you can essentially provide yourself with goods for manufacturing and/or some more money to buy skills, ships, and equipment. Hope you enjoyed it and discuss it a bit.
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#7  Edited By Sacerdos87

EVE is definitely a very good MMO in that its players define what goes on in the world more so than the developers themselves. The devs will introduce ships and ship equipment and it will send market prices into a spike for particular goods.

A fine example is when Nocxium minerals use to be a fairly cheap resource to get buyers for on the market, then CCP had their NPC corp ORE introduce the Noctis salvaging ship. This caused Nocxium's value to soar because now everyone wants the materials for it since they started getting Blueprints for them to manufacture.

@Chavtheworld said:

"Also I always felt way too small in Eve. The people who have been there longest - the very idea even that the giant space planet thing I'm casually flying past is probably owned by someone who is playing the damn game, and that that same person probably owns so much shit I would never be able to attain is insane. I can't really deal with that - I don't really like being so far at the bottom, and I'm not going to invest as much time in trying to become the virtual CEO of a faction in Eve as would probably be required to become a CEO of a company in real life. The amount of management and planning and stuff is just mind boggling."

Feeling small in EVE is only inside your head. You can definitely come into EVE and start doing good or bad once you find the right group to hang out with. For example, you come into EVE and decide you want to start hitting other players in the money bags. Well you can browse in game either in the recruitment channels for pirate corps, join them and then learn what you can as they war declaration and fight their wars against other corps they deem weak and vulnerable. 

You could also come in and decide well I wanna be a miner, so its the same process but now you look for a corp that will help you get into that high tech 2 hulk mining exhumer so you can rip asteroid fields apart with them. It isn't about everyone owning everything.

I've been playing for 4 years you can do quite a bit on your own but it does require you work with people, real life people, to achieve certain goals. Anyone wants to discuss working in EVE I read my inbox often and if you want to talk to me in EVE if you are already playing just contact Mason Onyx, my channel is always open.
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#8  Edited By Sacerdos87
@ahoodedfigure said:

@Sacerdos87: Now I'm interested in reading up on the types of scams out there. Are there any pyramid schemes, like forcing a person to get ten new signatures on a thing before they raise to the next level in the company or whatever? Does CCP just draw the line at personal account information and real money, or are there other things they don't tolerate (beyond the usual social restrictions you see on forums)? "

 Yea there are definitely other scams that can be employed in the game that are allowed. EVE veterans love new players and their trusting of others, you could very easily pull off a pyramid scheme against other players who trust you.  
 You could give other players shares in your company with a promise of a return on the investment, but in the end you don't bother with that promise after you've acquired all the money from them, also you don't give them enough shares to have any real power in your corp.

 Espionage can also occur, you could get a new player, that player sticks with you for awhile, you like him/her and promote them through your ranks to the point they are practically a CEO themselves, then they make a move seizing all your money, ships, stations and then close your corp.  
 It happens, unless you truly know the individual behind the character in EVE, anything can occur to topple others, the Band of Brothers alliance in EVE got disbanded in a similar fashion when Goonswarm alliance had a spy in control of their alliance disband it, they lost jump gates, stations, money, ships, either from being cut off and blown up or from being stolen. It also made it impossible for them to keep the areas they were in because now they were all disconnected from each other.
As far as stealing personal info or accounts for EVE, that's pretty much still illegal.
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#9  Edited By Sacerdos87
@Jason_Bourne said:
" I'm in the WoW guild alea iacta est (biggest guild in all of WoW, formed by the hosts of The Instance podcast) and we have a sister Eve guild, and everything they've explained to me is bananas. They're trying to root out spies in the corp, and planting spies in other corps. Hell they're even trying to steal ventrillo information. They have people suicide bombings, blowing up their own ships to destroy others. It's really got me wanting to play. "
Yea it gets pretty intense whether you hear about it or experience it. Steam is always doing deals on it, there are plenty of free trials to get. People wanna blow each other up and acquire systems for various reasons all the time so reading what your friends do in EVE isn't out of the ordinary, in fact, it's pretty much a typical day in EVE, trying to gain the competitive edge.
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#10  Edited By Sacerdos87
@Jimbo:  To each their own. I find it a fun social experiment with what can happen when you stick 50,000+ players on one server to see what they will do to each other.