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#1  Edited By rutkiskacsa

@r3qui4m: It is tremendously overpowered. It comes down to this. If you think you can run around for 10 minutes with a 35 lb rifle that fires 600 grain bullets and snap shoot it on the run without aiming and hit ANYTHING at all, I'd like to see it. If you then think that you'll be able to do so twice in the same week without serious physical therapy, you're out of your freaking mind. We can argue whether the weapon stats or general gameplay tactics for the rest of the game are realistic or if they are some compromise between realism and game play, but no thinking human being can tell me that quick scoping with a 50 caliber sniper rifle is a legitimate tactic. There should be an ENORMOUS amount of weapon sway and a HUGE dispersion area for the first five seconds that you bring that weapon up to your shoulder in the standing position, and it should be slower and wilder each time. Also, any quick scope kills ever gained by anyone ever should be revoked, and three generations of their family should be curb stomped just for being assholes.