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Best of 2010

rufo: Best of 2010

List items

  • It's hard to believe this is the same developer as ME1, KOTOR and Dragon Age. Yet BioWare managed to completely revitalize the flawed gameplay of ME1, and in so doing completely changed the way I thought of a role-playing game. It's still not perfect; I thought the overarching story in ME1 was better, the removal of any loot whatsoever may not have been a great idea, and the structure of the game is, in some ways, odd. But when I think of the game that left the largest impression on me - and the one that left me wanting ore - this stands above all as my favorite game of 2010.

  • It wasn't until the week before when I even realized this had an actual single-player campaign, and until Ryan Davis talked about it that I heard it was a direct sequel to AC1. AC:B delivered everything you'd want for a Ezio-based sequel - more variety, more missions, better story, and more Desmond. The multiplayer succeeds in building a tension I've rarely experienced in a game; trying to blend into the crowds and sneak up to your enemy while also trying to avoid getting stabbed yourself creates a delicate balancing act, and one not often seen in most popular multiplayer games. Bravo, Ubisoft. Now, please don't screw up AC3.

  • Goodbye, Halo. I know it's not the end, but it might not be the same anymore. We had fun over the years…


  • For me, Carcasonne for iOS defines how turn-based games should work on the iPhone. It needs expansions badly, and there have been the odd quirk here or there, but the fact I've had games running constantly since release - and there's always a turn to make - makes this easily one of the most played and enjoyed games of 2010. Can I get some more board-game action on iOS plz?

  • Between the voice acting, the bizarre "MacGuffins" (Cage's term, not mine), and one of the more incredulous plot-twists I've seen in a game, it's definitely flawed - but when it works, it works on a level no other game's managed.

  • Y'know, Treyarch didn't do a half-bad job with this one. It could've used a little more polish and perhaps a bit more deviation from the franchise formula, but CODBLOPS was a enjoyable roller-coaster, and more interesting in some ways then its off-the-walls predecessor.

  • Honestly, it's one of the better puzzle games I've played in years - it has great difficulty curve, constantly evolves as you play through it, lends itself well to multiple solutions, and has a unique style and sensibility about it.

  • HONORABLE MENTION: I haven't yet played enough of this to decide where it ranks in The List, but from what little I've played Criterion's done a bang-up job revitalizing the tired NFS franchise.

  • HONORABLE MENTION: Again, I really haven't played enough to decide how it fits in, but what little I've played so far seems great. Considering how poor the sales figures were (and how much I liked Max Payne 1 and 2), I feel rather guilty for not playing this sooner.