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Madden's out, let the games begin!

...Now that that's out of the way I'm wondering about some things. While there are a few games i'm looking forward to, I think back to being more excited about more games coming around this time of year. Granted, my tastes in gaming are not exactly meshing with the "big games' of late nor have I finished a lot of the games that are getting more sequels this year.. I'm not a big shooter fan, but I looking forward to seeing Borderlands 2. Skyrim looks good, but I can't see myself playing it...yet. Just finished Uncharted (yep, just) earlier this year. Mass Effect 1 is still in progress and I still have a few PC games that I've bought that I hadn't cracked into(thanks summer Steam sale! ...Bastard). That's just to name a few. I have long since recognized my gaming ADD. I still remember getting hyped up in my younger days over almost every big, & less than big, release...At least the ones that mattered to me, that is. I am happy to say that there have been a couple to come out of nowhere for me thanks to GB's Quick Looks. I'm pulling down Renegade Ops as I'm typing this and picked up the Gunstringer earlier today. I will get to later on. Oh, and others like Bastion and Trenched, excuse me, Iron Brigade (both still need to be finished) have delighted me out of the blue, which is cool. Realistically the only game I've spent any amount of time on is Star Trek Online and that's just tooling around. Still fun.

But despite the trailing off, the point is that this seems to be another good year in gaming and the hits are supposedly just about to hit. I like that fact even if I'm not crazy about some of the bigger titles. I do, however miss the time for me where I felt that Christmas was about 3 months (minus having to buy your own presents). There was supposedly another point to this, but I seemed to have gotten away from it. *goes to get Geritol and Ginko tablets*