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When D1 first came out, I posted here looking for people to raid with. We've been playing together ever since.

We're a small group of friends who're starting to get back into the swing of things since Forsaken dropped. We've been a bit on and off and some of us are on different platforms now, but we still chat and hang out. We're a casual clan, mostly working adults who don't have that much time to pour into hardcore raiding or anything like that, but of course we do raid and play together when we can. As of now we don't have any plans to take on Last Wish, but we're actually looking to replay some old raids sometime soon just for fun.

If all that sounds good to you, you should join us! Just drop a line. We're here on, where you can view our VaporWave VaporWolf mascot in all its glory.

We play on PS4 and primarily communicate through Discord. The only real rules are to be excellent to each other, don't be an dick, no hate speech or harassing or all that usual stuff. I've pretty much only ever picked up people from GB because of our great community here, and because we're not looking to be a huge clan or anything, just a group of friends who want to hang out and play.

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#2  Edited By rocketfalls

@audiobusting: It's all good. <3 I actually ended up joining up with a friend's association though, so no worries!

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ID: 104458985, IGN Calebian

I've sent an application to the association. have fallen into this hole and I can't get out. I wanted a fun dress up game and I did not expect it to have this much depth and I'm just. Stuck. Help. Or alternatively just enable my addiction by adding me. We all gotta get that friend list suit aight

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ID: 8154 3719 837.

I like pina coladas, walks in the rain, and I lost my 3DS ages ago so I recently restarted an ACNL town from scratch and I guess I'm doing this now too please kill me before Nook comes after me

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Having an issue when trying to use the playlist feature, in that whenever I try to play a playlist the video in it seems to double-play, like somehow it loads two instances of the video and I can hear two layers of audio while only seeing the one video playing. Muting the video I can see usually works fine, since the one underneath it ( or something? ) still has audio playing, though it tends to be off sync. This happens just from me trying to naturally play the playlist, but clicking around in the list displayed on the right tends to make weird similar things happen. Any idea what's up?

Love this thing, by the way! Only started to try out the playlists recently.

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#6  Edited By rocketfalls

No idea if you guys have any setup to capture 3DS but I would love 9 Persons, 9 Hours, 9 Doors to be checked out sometime. It throws you into the action fairly quickly for a VN game and a quick dive in would give a good taste for what it has in store, I think.

@bocckob: They have totally played that game before, Vinny brought it to UPF. Starts at 1:17:20 here, and he brings it back the following week at 1:43:53 here.

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It's interesting to see that most opinions of Evolve I've seen around the internet are anywhere between middling to overwhelmingly negative. I've been pretty excited for the game since I first heard of it, loved the alpha, and ever since I started playing the beta yesterday I've ranked up to 15, unlocked a bunch of characters, and I have to actually force myself to stop. This is as someone on the PS4 side of things too, so while I'm very much looking forward to the other game modes that they've made available on the bone beta, I'm having a lot of fun with hunt alone, and yes, I do play with randoms, and I actually prefer playing as a hunter. I just have a thing for asymmetric PvP, and this reminds me of some of my favorite custom maps from Warcraft 3. There's some stuff in the game that I'm not too happy with ( the dlc pricing mainly and the unlock system ), but the game itself is incredibly solid to me and I'm baffled at the negativity. It is certainly a more niche game, though, it's perfectly possible to pick up and play L4D while understanding only the basics of "shoot zombies in face", but Evolve requires at least a more thorough understanding of the basic mechanics in order to reach that same base enjoyment.

I've had plenty of extremely close nailbiting matches as a monster or as a hunter, steamrolled some, got steamrolled in others. Every game felt fresh and different. I would have been happy to communicate with my team with a mic if they had any, but most didn't, but the ability to plant a simple waypoint was suitable enough -- the thing about the roles being so defined is that everyone should already know what they're meant to be doing, as well as what their teammates are doing.

Got to say, though, that I've never found myself thinking of it as a blind follow-chase or going around in circles as I've seen it described by so many. I also definitely never felt like the hunters were slow. I tend to roll with the jetpack recharge perk, but even without it being able to leap ahead with the dodges made me feel perfectly mobile.

@ssully: I've had quite a few matches against the flying monster, Kraken. Most people were definitely less experienced with him so I guess I can't say for sure, but in a series of matches I played with a kraken player who very much knew what he was doing, catching up with him/finding him wasn't really a problem compared to Ggoliath. He does fly, albeit slowly with a sort of an air-dash, and the medic's tranq shot helps a ton. The most annoying thing about Kraken for me was actually his mobility when we already had him in a trap, he's hard to shoot and I'm bad at aiming, damn it.

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You don't have to feel bad about liking something, man. I mean, I think Destiny is pretty mediocre and extremely problematic, but I've still played it extremely consistently since launch, and I still very much am having fun with it. Which is kind of all that matters, whether or not you're actually enjoying it or not, and it sounds like you are.

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Don't be a dick, have a mic, first time or whatever who cares, just want to have a good time. If I can get enough folk of higher level who've done the raid before maybe we'll try it on hard. Rocketfalls on PSN, add me up, let me know you're a duder.

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@mrflibble: We got it done in the end! No worries, man, though sorry you couldn't play with us, maybe next time. I might be setting up a dumb clan for us folks to mess around in or something.

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